Chapter Nine: Daughter of Hell

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I started to wake up to the sound of metal hitting metal. I groaned in pain but started to freak out when I felt that I wasn't wearing the snow gear I was wearing coming into Russia. "Red" I muttered out. "Where are you" I called out as I opened my eyes. Once they were opened I saw that I was chained to the floor and in a thin, black, halter-top dress that had hip-high slits. I started to pant in panic and pull on the chains but I saw that I wasn't getting anywhere. I began to look around to see John chained to a wall, Red chained up beside me, and Liz on a table ahead of me and Red. Once Red began to wake up, he started to thrash and yell trying to get out of his chains like I was just moments ago. "Red" I whispered trying to calm him down but stopped when I heard a voice.

I quickly looked to where Liz was and saw the man who brought us there. Rasputin. "And I looked and beheld an angel, and in his right hand, the key to the bottomless pit" He turned to us and the soulless look in his eyes frightened me so much that I scooted closer towards Red. "These were the words I heard as a peasant boy Tobolsk, and now the door," He pointed at a tall pillar that seemed to be made of either stone or marble. "Sent by Ogdru Jahad, so that they might at long last enter our world."

My eyes widen at his words. He wanted to bring hell on earth. "You are the key," The blonde woman next to John says causing us to look over at her. "The right hand of doom. Your stone hand, what did you think it was made for?"

"You're crazy," I tell her before turning to the bald man. "Both of you."

"Ah, Princess" Rasputin smiled at me. "You are the one who will make their arrival final. You will lead their chaos."

"You shall be their princess and general of their armies." The blonde woman smiled at me. "Open the locks, both of you"

"DON'T DO IT" John yelled. "DON'T DO IT"

The woman turned and hit him with her hammer causing me to scream in shock. "JOHN" I yelled pulling on the chains. "Please don't hurt him" I begged her.

She didn't acknowledge me and only said "Silence" When she turned back to Red and me before she began to speak again. "Imagine it. A Eden for you both as well as her" she gestured towards my friend.

"No," my brother and I tell them.

"No?" Rasputin spoke up "In exchange for her soul then?" I could feel my anger getting the best of me as a storm began to roll in and for some reason, I felt power coming from it. "Open the door"

I shook my head as we both said "No"

The bald man glared at us before saying "As you wish"

As he leaned over my best friend, I felt so many emotions rush through me "No." Red yelled. "NOOOO" He kept yelling to no avail. The man leaned over and sucked her soul out of her body.

I cried my eyes out and felt my powers trying to release but something was preventing it from happening. "LIZZZZ" I yelled out struggling against the chian, crying out to the woman who I see as my sister.

As both Red and I collapsed from grief, Rasputin walked towards us. "Her soul awaits you on the other side." I glared up at him "If you want her back, open the door and claim her" He placed a hand on my brother's head in a false comforting manner.

I gritted out "Don't touch him" I lunged at him only for the chains to prevent me from getting him.

Red also tried to attack him only to be held back by his chains. The sorcerer grabbed the stocks that held my brother and pulled him closer. "Your true name is inscribed on the locks that hold you. You cannot break them, no matter how strong you are."

"The eclipse has begun" The announces causing me and Rasputin to look up to see the moon turn blood red. As I stared at the moon and the storm forming around it, the power I felt from it, grew rapidly.

Rasputin grabbed my chains and yanked me towards him and Red. "Your true names" He glared at us. "SAY IT" I shook my head with tears in my eyes. He glared at me and slapped me so hard my head snapped to the side. He then looked at my brother before taking my father's rosary from his wrist and held it in front of my brother and my face. "Become the key," He told my brother before throwing the wooden cross across the area.

Red finally lost hope and his fight. "For her," he says in a broken voice.

"Anung un Rama" Rasputin told him before looking at me. "You must say your name to be free, princess. You must say it to reach your true power."

I cried. "I can't. I won't"

"You could bring back the man who raised you" He whispered. "Say your name, and you will have the power to bring him back if you so choose."

I cried thinking of my father. His kind voice. His smile. "Ok, for him" I finally broke. I need him so badly right now.

In my heartbreak, I didn't see the man before me smiling before saying "Filia Inferni"

Daughter of Hell. That's my birth name. The name I gained from the Gods of Chaos. I sighed before repeating to him. "Filia Inferni" while my brother said his name. With those Latin words, the chains that held us back broke away. Our physical ones and our mental ones as well.

I could feel my powers grow exceptionally. My veins felt like they were on fire, my back felt like it was being ripped apart and my head felt like it was being crushed just from the sheer amount I felt. I can get my father back. I could help bring Liz back. 

~Hello my little rabbits and mad hatters

Another chapter closer to the end. I am in pain due to hopefully just gas but it's been a few days. ugh. Soooo.....let's hope that it's nothing. Please leave a comment for me about this chapter and lets get ready for the ending of this one and the beginning of the next. 


The Wonderland Hacker

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