Chapter Eight: Spirits

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The next night, we were on the BPRD cargo plane heading to Russia. As we were in the air, I couldn't help but feel like something apocalyptic was going to happen. "This engraving here represents Sammy." Red explained to us and the crew "It read 'One falls, two shall arise.' Samuel. We have to nail them all at once and the eggs"

As Red finished explaining and began to take a drag on his cigar, Manning grabbed something and placed it on the makeshift table. "And when we do, no mobo-jumbo. Double core, Vulcan 65 grenades. Now we installed this handy dandy little time" He explained as he began to point at the parts of the grenade belt. "You set it, you walk away. The cable then pulls the pins, Kaboom" I raised my eyes kind of impressed. "Easy to clean, easy to use."

When we got on the ground, we all got into different trucks while Red was put in a live cargo crate. I got a ride with one of the agents while John and Liz took the truck with Red.

When we got off the main road, we ended up in front of a cemetery. As Liz, Myers, and Manning got Red, I went past the cemetery iron gates and was rushed with so many emotions. The spirits here. They are scared and angry about something. As I kept walking, I began to hear whispers of some of the spirits. It sounds like Latin but that's almost impossible. Not many people know Latin and the ones who do are usually part of the paranormal.

"Filia Inferni, Anung Un Rama" The spirits whispered causing me to be even more confused.

One was the daughter of hell but I don't know what the other means.

As I stood there, Red and the rest of the agents who followed him walked to where I was "Raven, are you ok?" My brother asked with worry evident in his voice.

I shook my head. "No. Red, the spirits are restless and they keep whispering things in Latin."

His face became confused but held me close knowing that I usually don't spook easily. "It's going to be ok." He began to lead me further into the cemetery. As we were walking, Manning kept complaining about the circumstances. Red walked up and patted the man's shoulder before saying "Let's go ask for directions" before he and I walked into a section of graves. Red pulled out an enchanted compass that should lead him to what he needed. "Come on baby, find us a talker." The compass began to tick and it became more rapid as we approached the grave of Ivan Klimentovich. "Raven, this one." I nodded as he took off the stone cover, revealing a wooden coffin down below. I jumped down and ripped off the wooden top. "Privet Ivan" I greeted in Russian before starting a spell. "Animam edere" I chanted "Animus corpus" I placed my hand above his face as I summoned his spirit back into his corpse. Once he started to cough, I looked up Red and yelled. "He's all yours, big guys." I used my magic to levitate me out of the hole before Red jumped in.

Once Red had pulled himself and Ivan out of the grave, the corpse told us how to get to Rasputin. Red carried him on his back as we walked back to where the group was. "60 feet further, Comrades." Red announced in a Russian accent before holding up three fingers "And three rows in."

"What's that on his back?" Manning asked in a shaky voice. I couldn't tell if it was because of the cold or because he was scared.

I smiled and said, "This is Ivan Klimentovich." I turned to the rotten corpse with a smile "Say hi Ivan." I guess he has no sense of humor because he told Red where to go. "Gotcha" We answered the corpse.

We followed Ivan's instructions to the letter and ended up in front of Rasputin's mausoleum. As John opened the doors, Red began to explain what Ivan was saying as we all entered the dark mausoleum. "Ivan says there's a whole network of tunnels down here. Goes on for miles." I started to feel lightheaded as we began to descend down the stairs. I swayed a little and gripped onto John who wrapped his arms around my shoulders and held me up. I gave him a small smile and nodded to say I would be okay. "Stay close everybody," Red tells us as we reach the bottom of the stairs.

"You better be right about this," Manning said when we finally spread out away from each other.

John held me close to him because of how I was dealing with being overwhelmed.

"Raven you good?" My brother asked worried. I gave him a slight nod. "We'll be alright as long as we don't separate.

No sooner had he finished saying that, walls began to form around us successfully separating us. "RED" I yelled.

John held me close to him as I started to panic. "It's ok. You're ok and so is Red," he whispered.

"Hey, sparky" Red calls over the earpiece. "Tell everyone to turn their locator belts on. If anyone sees anything"

"I'll say Marco" Liz yelled.

"Polo" Red and I whispered.

John asks over the comms "Are you sure about this?"

"On a scale of 1-10, 2," Red joked "Don't worry boy scout, they'll take care of you. They're both tough but on a side note, please keep Raven safe. Whatever is going on here, it's affecting her. Bad"

John looked down at me and rubbed my shoulders before responding "10-4" With that, we began to travel into the tunnels, and without Ivan, I was the compass. I pointed and guided the team down the tunnels where I felt the most energy. "So he thinks that you and I" John asks me as we are walking. "That's why he's mad at me." I rolled my eyes as he asked "But it's not true, right?"

"John, do you really think now is the right time for this?" I asked as I walked ahead of him.

"Uh, Yeah"

I scoffed with Liz beside me rolling her eyes. "I swear all you guys are the same."

"Hey wait up" He calls after me as I walk away. He followed me and Liz until we walked into a cavern with water everywhere but another thing was in there. "Rae wait up."

Samuel and his many clones and thousands of eggs. "Shit"

One of the agents was trying to get us to back out while he and John tried and set their grenade belts. As we tried to back out, the door leading to the cavern closed on us. "Marco" Liz called over the coms. "Marco, Marco."

"Get your big red butt down here." I gritted into the comms. Not even a second later, the rocks above us started to shake under my brother's fist. As my brother was coming down, the agent with us had finished setting his timer when one of the Sam's attacked and killed him. When my brother finally got down here, it was too late for the agent but he did kill one in the process.

After he got off the ground, he started to attack the rest of the hounds but there were too many. Liz and I tried to run to help him but John pulled us back. I hit him and yelled, "THEY'RE GOING TO KILL HIM" I cried looking at my brother under the pile of demons. "DO SOMETHING"

"WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO" John yelled at me.

Liz stepped forward and said in a stern voice. "Hit me."


"Hit us," I tell him sternly. I looked over to my brother with tears in my eyes "NOW" I screamed. John closed his eyes before slapping both me and Liz

Liz's hands caught on fire and my eyes went black " You should be running." we tell him.

After that, I blacked out and let the demon in me take over. 

~Hello my little rabbits and mad hatters,

We are getting close to the end of this story. I hope you are excited about it. please leave a comment for me to read as well as a vote.


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