Chapter Eight: The Prince problem

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We ignore the German doctor and turn to our friend who was with the princess. "Red, this is princess Nuala." I smirked as I watched Abe's breathing apparatus bubble up to show how flustered he is. "Lady" Red greeted her with a slight head bow. Johann was starting to shout "We need to leave, now. NOW" Red looked at me and I nodded in agreement with Johann. "Let's get out of here" I told him. He nodded and we all left the Troll market, not realizing that someone was going to follow us out. On our way out, I decided to hang around the princess who kept looking at my neck. "You know who put this on me, don't you?" She looked at me with shock and worry. I brushed my fingers against the cool metal around my neck. "I need to know who. This... thing won't come off and when I even try to take it off, it tightens until I let go." I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. "Please tell me."She looked at me with sorrow in her eyes before saying "He is my brother."My eyes grew in shock. "You mean to tell me, that the elf prince is the one who collared me like a dog?" I ask with anger and fear in my voice. She nodded with tears also running down her face. "Why?""You are mates."I thought back to earlier when I met the prince and remembered that is what he called me. Mate. In that moment, I felt everything just crash around me. The man who is said to be the fiercest warrior of the Elfen people and has no love for humanity. My mind kept going back to the prince and how passionate he was towards me. The fact I am fucking dealing with a Romeo and Juliet situation is not lost on me because I now understand why Juliet was so torn about falling for someone like Romeo. The main difference is the fact my 'Romeo' wants to kill all of humanity. I stayed silent as we made it to the main entrance of the Troll market. Once we were back to the surface world the princess began to explain as to why she was hiding. "To rage his war" She began to take out a piece of her under bust corset and held it up to show everyone. "My brother needs this..." Red stared at it intensely while I looked at the piece with worry for, I knew that if he got that piece, it would mean the end of everything related to humans. "...The final piece of the crown of Bethmoora." she then gestured to the tube Abe was holding, "And this is the map to the location of the Golden army chamber."This got Johann's attention. "The Golden Army" he looked at Abe. "The harbingers of death. The unstoppable tide."Red walked a few steps away from the German and his friends before whispering two words. "Howdy Doody" before placing his cigar into his mouth once more. "Your highness, if you hand the crown piece over to us" Johann began to say when the prince interrupted."No. Where it goes, I go" She placed the piece back into its original home before placing her hands over it as if she was shielding it. "My father died trying to uphold the truce with your world."I placed my arm in front of the princess as I walked up to the German Doctor "I don't know how much you know about the army or of the kingdom of Bethmoora but to take that piece away from her now would mean man is stealing from her people once again. Her brother would have no remorse in killing every agent to get that piece from us." I started leaving no room for argument as I continued. "I don't know about you, Doctor but I personally do not want my agents' blood on my hands for taking something from a dying culture and it's royal family." I turn to the princess and ask, "Would you be willing to come with us so that we can at least try and figure out a way to destroy the map and hide your piece of the crown in a respectful way?"She looked at me with wonder before saying "You would make an amazing queen." I looked at her confused before Johann interjected "I am sorry, Ms. Broom. Princess. But we have protocols for events such as these and we cannot change them simply with the lack of cooperation.""You know as well as I that I can and will change those protocols because I am the head of the BPRD and you, doctor, are just a liaison agent." I stated as I stood in front of him, "Do not act superior is a situation which you are not." I turn to the princess and say "You will be coming with us for your own safety and the safety of the objects you hold. Agent Sapien will be your guardian until we are back at the Bureau." The small blonde elf smiled at me and nodded. "Ok, we need to leave." As the group and I turn to leave a voice calls out making my blood freeze "Leaving so soon, my love?" The group and I turned around to see the prince standing at the entrance looking as regal and commanding as before. He starred at me with lust and heat in his eyes before looking at his sister and my brother with contempt. "Don't worry love, after I deal with your..." he seemed to study Red before continuing "friend, we will have a long talk about us."Red rolled his eyes before taking out his gun and aiming it at the prince "Look buddy I don't know who you are but this Samaritan here fires really big bullets, so can we get this over with because I am getting really sleepy." "Demon?" Nuada questioned with a smile "Not friends then. Siblings." He began to chuckle before saying "The two of you are born from the shadows as rulers but you choose to live to serve the people who you were meant to destroy, believing that you belong with them." He pulled out a golden egg that made me worry, for I could feel magic coming off of it. He pulled a pin and it opened revealing a glowing seedling. It finally dawned on me what it was. "Please, Nuada please don't do it"He brought the seedling to his lips and whispered something before throwing it past us and the seedling began to jump towards a water source. Before I could do anything to stop it, I was grabbed from behind and pulled against a firm body. "I do believe we need some privacy darling." Before I could say anything, my sight is overtaken by darkness. 

~Hello my little rabbits and mad hatters

So, another chapter is finished and I have to say this was a chapter I did not expect to finish considering I did most of this 30 minutes before work every day for the last week and had no way to access the movie what so ever for this chapter which is why you will notice that it is nothing like the movie. Sorry. I hope everyone is doing well and please stay safe. 

-Love the wonderland hacker

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