Chapter One: Four years later and 53 years back

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It has been four years since my brother and I lost our father. Though it was rough, I have to say, I think he would be proud of us. Red still gets caught on camera but he doesn't escape as much luckily thanks to his wife, Liz. Yep, that's right my brother and Liz are officially married. Abe was more expressive and fun around others after the incident and I was happy to joke around with him or listen to classical music with him as long as he would listen to either Swan Lake with me or try out some rock bands like ACDC and Queen. He particularly likes David Bowie, especially after I showed him the movie The Labyrinth. He says the music is quite catchy. Liz and I are as close as ever which I was grateful for. We love to spar with each other to see who can best the other in a fight, currently, we are tied 8 to 8. She also named me her maid of honor before Red could ask me to be his best woman. In shocking news, Manning has actually mellowed out when it came to me and the gang. Well everyone except Red, who keeps pushing his buttons but he doesn't lock him up anymore; mostly because I threatened to let him deal with the next monster personally, if he did lock my brother up like a prisoner.

Now I am currently in my bedroom taking a nap after Liz and I had finished our sparring match. It ended in a tie due to us being both distracted. As I lay in my bed asleep, my mind took me back to when Red and I were only 11 years old in Douglas Army Base, even though mentally and physically we were about 6 or 7. It was Christmas Eve and me and Red were watching Howdy Doody on the small TV in our tiny home.

"My children, will one of you turn off that wretched puppet?" My father asked us as he started to put some of his books in a box. "Brush your teeth"

Red and I were slightly offended as we said "Don't call him a puppet"

"I beg your pardon"

We turned and faced him as Red explained "Look, he's not a puppet, Howdy Doody is real"

Father tied his robe tighter as we tried to say that the puppet was real before he said "Well, Mr. Deedee Doodo, will have to say goodnight" He turned off the TV causing my brother and me to sigh when he did. "Remember you both have to be asleep when he comes down the chimney" He pointed at the tiny fireplace in our small home.

I giggle at my father before saying "But Daddy, how is he going to fit down one that small" I got off the bed we were sitting on and hugged my father's leg.

He chuckled before telling us, "Oh, he has his ways."

Red smiled and said excitedly "Then I want to wait up, and watch him do it"

I jumped up and down nodding at my brother's request but Father said "Nonsense" shutting down our hopes for it.

Then I got an idea. "Then we want a story."

Red nodded excitedly since we both loved hearing our father tell us stories. Father shook his head and said, "No, no, no, no stories tonight."

Red wouldn't give up. "Just one"

"Yeah, and then, we'll go to bed." I jumped in with a smile

Red continued with "And brush our teeth" We both smiled sheepishly hoping that we would get Father to read to us.

Father gave us a genuine smile and that's when we knew that we had gotten what we wanted. I followed him to the box of books and watched him take out an ancient leather-bound book with a golden emblem on the cover out of the top before he sat down and began to read to us. "It is said that at the dawn of time, that man, beast, and all magical beings lived together under the Aiglin the father tree." I crawled into his lap as he read and looked at the magical pages with wonder. "But man had been created with a hole in his heart, a hole that no possession, power or knowledge could fill, and in his infinite greed, man dreamt of expanding his domination over the earth." I looked at Father with fear in my heart as he continued. "The blood of many an elf, orge, and goblin was spilled in their war with man. And, King Balor, the one-armed king of Elfland, watched the slaughter in dread and despair, but one day the master of the goblin blacksmiths offered to build the king a golden mechanical army, 70 times 70 soldiers, and would never know hunger and can never be stopped." I looked down at the pictures of the pages before us and was drawn to a certain drawing of the elf prince. "Prince Nuada begged his father to agree. 'Build me this Army' the king said." As Father read, I got off of his lap, and Red and I began to brush our teeth as we promised. "So a magical crown was born, that would allow those of royal blood to command the golden army if unchallenged. 'I am King Balor, leader of the Golden Army, is there anyone that disputes my right?' and in his throne room, no one challenged his word."

Red interrupted Father by asking "But, wait, what if someone could challenge him? Would they have a fight?"

"Well most likely, a challenge must be answered" Father answered him before saying "Now do you want to hear the end of this story or not?"

"Yes, please" Red and I answered at the same time, resuming brushing our teeth.

"Right so," Father restarted telling the story "So the world was changed and the next time the humans marched, they felt the earth tremble beneath their feet, and saw the sky darken with monstrous shapes. The golden army had no remorse" I gasped hearing this. "Felt no loyalty or pain. And King Balor's heart grew heavy again. So he called up a truce and divided the crown into three pieces. One for the humans and two for himself. In exchange, man would keep to the cities and the magical beings would own the forests. This truce would be honored by their sons and the sons of their sons until the end of time." Once Red and I were finished brushing our teeth, we got into bed and Father sat in between the two beds as he finished reading. "But Prince Nuada did not believe in promises of man, and it is said that he went into exile, vowing to return the day his people needed him most." I couldn't help but tear up hearing about the prince. "And so the golden army lay dormant in the earth, awaiting the day the crown is made whole again. Silent, still, and indestructible." Father smiled at my brother and stroked my cheek before getting up to put the book away.

Red sat up and asked. "What does it mean, 'industerable'"?

I giggled at him mispronouncing the word "Indestructible, it means no one can destroy it" Red grabbed his toy gun while I cuddled the teddy bear I had in my bed as my father told us "Go to sleep, my children."

"But it's just a story right pops?" Red asked

"Is it now?"

"Yeah come on those guys, they can't be real" Red argued.

I sat up and said "But if there is a story about it, that means at one point someone was able to see them and write it down"

Father chuckled at both of us "Well my children, I'm sure you'll find out." I looked at him with curiosity while Red just chuckled and lay down.

Once Father closed the curtain that separated the house, I laid down as well clutching onto my bear as I thought about the prince. 

~Hello my little rabbits and mad hatters,

Here is the first chapter of Hellboy 2. I hope you liked how I started it and I hope you are excited to meet the Elfan Prince himself. I will try and post a new chapter tomorrow or later today depending on my schedule affects me. I was in the hospital a couple of days ago but I am ok. I hope you have an amazing day and don't forget to leave a comment for me to read. Also shoutout to some of my loyal readers. 




I have noticed all three of you leaving votes and comments which makes me smile and certainly does keep me writing. I hope you three are having an amazing day.


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