Randall's reform

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Randall's reform

"It's almost like she left it there on purpose." Said Mikey as the eight friends were standing in front of the cart that held all the balls inside it.

"All those balls just sitting there, ripe for the picking." Sighed Vince.

"What's to stop one of us from simply walking up there, reaching in, and getting the good ball for ourselves, for a change?" Asked TJ.

"Finster." Said Gus.

"Yeah, but, come on, there's no one watching it, it's like she left it there for that reason." Replies Dede.

"According to the schedule, she ought to be biting into the second half of her sardine and pickle sandwich, right about.....now." Gretchen said, looking at her watch.

And just like Gretchen had said, we see Miss Finster sitting in the cafeteria along with Randall, both enjoying their sandwiches. "Mm, nothing like a good sardine and pickle sandwich, eh, Randall?"

"You said it, Miss Finster." Randall replied.

"I'm going for it." TJ declared before walking up to the cart, accidentally kicking the wheel slightly making Randall perk up, having heard the slight noise.

"What is it boy?" Ms Finster asked, almost like she was talking to a dog.

"I heard something, Miss Finster. I'll be right back." Randall said getting up and leaving the cafeteria.

"Must have been a frequency only lapdogs can hear. That kid's a natural."

TJ went to grab a ball from the cart but stopped himself, seeing Randall standing behind a pole not far from the cart. The two were having a staring contest, with Randall smirking and TJ shaking his head. "Don't do it, Randall."

"MISS FINSTER!" Randall shouted after inhaling. Upon hearing the call Miss Finster appeared next to Randall within seconds.

"What do you hooligans think you're doing?" Ms Finster asked, seeing the eight friends standing near the cart.

"Nothing." TJ said innocently.

"Yeah, a whole lot of nothing. Good boy Randall." Finster patted Randall on the back. "Now step back from the cart, all of you! You know the procedure." She walked up to the cart and pushed it forward a bit. "The playground equipment has to be distributed evenly among all the students, not just a privileged few." When Finster got the cart to the middle of the playground she blew on her whistle. "Ok, kids, line up!" Finster then started to pass the balls out to the kids, however the balls the kids were getting were all kinda flat or damaged in some way. "Ahh, the good ball. Now, who should get it today? Let's see....Randall." She threw the ball to him making the other kids walk away in disappointment.

"Hey, I'll let you play. For a small fee, that is." Randall said.

"Forget it, Randall, we'd rather play with a flat ball than a slime ball." Spinelli replies as she walks away.

"Ooh, good one, Spinelli. Well, I'd rather play with a good ball than a dumb, uh... I don't need them, I don't need anyone. I'm having way more fun by myself." Randall started playing with the ball, but while bouncing the ball he missed making it hit him in the face. After he recovered he looked over to see the gang standing there, listening to TJ joke.

"So then Prickly says "that's no kindergartener, that's my wife"." TJ finished as all eight laughed.

"They think they're so great, TJ and his little friends. What makes him so special?" Randall started chuckling as he thought up an idea. "This will fix his wagon." He writes something on a notebook then scrunches it up before throwing it on the floor near a bin. "Miss Finster! Miss Finster!"

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