The great jungle gym standoff

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10 o'clock at third street school was that start of recess, the moment the bell rang all the kids came running outside to enjoy their free time.

"Last one to old rusty has to give Miss Finster a sponge bath." Challenged Spinelli.

"Hey that's my job." Exclaimed Randal, how ever no one was listening to him as they ran to the old jungle gym and started having fun climbing the monkey bars and sliding down the slide.

"Man, I love this thing." Said TJ before he slid down the slide on his stomach, how ever when he reached the bottom he landed in front of principal prickly. "Oh uhh... principal prickly, what bring you out onto the playground sir?"

"Your happiness son, tape it off boys.
Prickly said first to TJ then to the two maintance guy that were behind him, who had some yellow tape and wrapped it around old rusty.

"What's going on here?" Asked Dede.

"The school board has finally released some long over funds and you kids are gonna get a brand new jungle gym." Said Princkly making all the kids cheer happily. "Just as soon as we can tear down this old hunk of junk." As soon as those words left his mouth all the cheering stopped.

"You mean, you're gonna tear down old rusty?" Asked Mikey.

"Old rusty, isn't that quint." Said Prickly laughing a bit." That's right kid, the construction workers will be here at 11 to start wrecking, so all you kids stay off this thing and remember if anyone asks, mr Prickly is a great principle and his first priority is now and always has been, you children, now get out of my way you little brats."

"I...I can't believe it." Said TJ after prickley left.

"Recess without old rusty, say it isn't so." Asked Spinelli.

"Why do grown ups always do these things." Asked Mikey as he sat on the slide of old rusty.

"I'll never forget this old thing." Replied TJ.

"Yeah." Said Vince. "Right there was when swinger girl laughed so hard she swallowed her lose tooth."

"And right there was where binky Jones fell of and broke his collar bone and had to have that plate put in his head." Said Gretchen.

"You just can't replace memories like that." Said Spinelli.

"Old rusty was here when my big brother was in school." Said TJ.

"Old rusty was here when my parents were in school." said Dede.

"Heck, old rusty was here when my great uncle Mary was in school." Said Mikey.

"You uncle Mary?" Questioned Vince.

"Don't ask." Said Gretchen.

"Who knows how long old rusty has really been here." Said Spinelli as they all imagined how old rusty was all the way back to the cave man days.

"Old rusty has been here since the beginning of time." Stated Vince.

"Yeah." Said TJ. "But you know the main reason I'll never forget old rusty, because it was right here back on the very first day of kindergarten that the six of us first met."

"Yeah, I was the start of our friendship." Said Dede with a slight smile.


A young TJ and Dede walked up to four kids that where playing on the jungle gym and said hi.


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