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"The traditional Filipino practice of eating with one's bare hands is called Kamayan. The communal feast that Filipinos have is where food is served on banana leaves and consumed without utensils."



My circumstances have imprisoned me and taken away my freedom. My opportunity to play and make friends as a child was stolen from me. Never do I complain. Although I was a decent child, being a good daughter has made me dispassionate.

After that, I never yearned for attention. I was accustomed to being abandoned, unrecognized, and unwanted. When I met Hera, everything changed. She forced me to hold on to my life, to survive, and to function normally.

She is the reason I am who I am today in every way. She gave me mixed feelings that included happiness, contentment, excitement, jealousy, rage, and hopelessness. That's better than getting up in the morning with no feelings and no concern for the rest of the world, I suppose.

Now that I'm witnessing her being taken away from me, how am I meant to react? How will I make it through the night without my moon? Again.

"What are you doing here Kuya?" I asked, trying to be polite despite the rage that was building up inside.

"Tama na Clio, tara nalang sa baba. Hayaan mo na sina ate at Kuya Knight" Athena gently took my hand as her eyes were wide with concern that I would start a commotion.

Again, am I wrong? What must I do for myself in order to achieve even one goal that will make me proud? Why am I constantly wrong?!

"I'm asking. Why are you here KUYA?" I made care to emphasize the word 'kuya' because he wasn't responding. My head was filled with many thoughts as he continued to snake his arm around Hera's waist as if she were his.

"I'm taking her on a date Clio" His mouth kept spouting words yet his eyes remained dead. Not even a single light can be seen. No sense of joy.

He doesn't know me as well as I know him. I know how his eyes are filled with delight whenever I mention that one specific girl from his past. Adalynn broke his heart, not once but many times. The magnificent Knight who has lost every battle to get Adalynn comes in front of me and claims he is wooing the girl I have an unrequited love for.

If I didn't know him, I probably would have believed him.

"Why?!" As my heartbeat accelerated, I spoke more loudly.

Why is he acting like this? Is it about Adalynn again? He's acting weird lately and I'm not liking it.

"Why not? I'm courting her. What's the problem with that?" He looks so bored.

Hera is at my brother's back, standing still, and I can tell what is going on just by looking into her eyes. When hiding something, Hera has a habit of averting her gaze, inhaling deeply, and blinking quickly.

I turned to look at Kuya.


"Aray ko shit!"

The classroom was filled with a shrill, hurt voice. The door was only slightly ajar, and the four of us quickly glanced at it. My realization was that the other four must still be inside if Athena is still present. They have undoubtedly been paying attention since the beginning.

I calmed myself by taking a deep breath. Kuya Knight won't let this go unpunished. He detests those who pay attention to others' private matters.

"Who's there?!" His voice is now agitated as he opens the door, revealing Eloisa and Jessica hiding behind it.

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