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'Talagháy is a Tagalog word that means the ability to withstand pain, hardship, or adversity. It is similar to the words resilience, fortitude, or endurance. For example, a person who has talagháy can cope with stress, trauma, or loss without giving up.'



While on the way to the University. I couldn't handle the pressure that I'm feeling. I just feel like I'm about to lose my head but at the same time I feel better now that I've decided what to do with my life.

Nang makarating kami sa University ay agad kaming nagtungo sa Engineering Department. Ada and I searched for my brother's office and just a couple of minutes of waiting we finally saw his name.

I took a deep breath as I stood in front of his door and rapped my knuckles twice. No response. So I knocked again.




and on the fourth try, I heard the faint clicking of the doorknob. Finally, the door creaked open and my brother looked at me with a look of confusion. He seemed to have just taken a shower as his hair was still damp, and his clothes were fresh and crisp.

"What brings you here?" he asked.

"You and Hera didn't show up to Ada's event," I calmly replied.

"Yeah, why?" He asked again.

"Can I come in first?" I petitioned.

He scanned my eyes but eventually surrendered. "Okay" he replied, opening the door wider.

I stood there for a while, hands in my pockets, and motioned for Ada to join me inside. My brother's expression was priceless as he clearly had not anticipated seeing his ex-girlfriend standing before him.

Ada approached us slowly, smiling awkwardly, and there was a brief moment of silence as they locked eyes. But then Ada quickly averted her gaze, leaving my brother looking even more confused.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" he practically shouted, clearly angry at the unexpected intrusion of Ada.

"Calm down. I have a lot of things to say" I said while looking at my brother. I tried to stay calm and steady, fixing him with an intense gaze to show that I was dead serious.

He closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them and looked back and forth between me and Ada, then he let out a deep sigh. "We don't have anything to talk about" He said in frustrated voice.

"Listen, we need to talk about your son Kepler and your relationship with Ada. You can't just act oblivious and ignore the fact that your own blood is growing up without a father," I said in a monotone voice.

He sighed deeply and came out of his office. After looking around to make sure no one was watching, he grabbed Ada's hand and led her inside. He seemed nervous and frustrated at the same time, which only made me more suspicious. 

Why is he acting this way? Look's like he's more concern of who might see us than actually care for his child.

As we entered the office, I casually shut the door behind us and turned the lock. We made our way to the center of the room and sat down on his sofa set. My brother was in the middle, while I sat on the left side and Ada was on the right.

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