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'Lelouch's strategic mind and intellect are  ALMOST unmatched. Using the masked persona Zero, Lelouch leads a campaign to bring down Britannia, knowing that his allies would not trust a Britannian prince. His burning hatred for Britannia and desire for revenge drive his actions.'



Can I teach a heart to love a certain person?

Well, the truth is, the heart can indeed be taught, but it doesn't always happen that way.

In my case. I grew up witnessing the diverse array of relationships around me, each with its own unique form of love.

In my family, there's no traditional setup of just a mother and father; I have two dads and one mom. It's a family built on a foundation of love and respect, and I am grateful to have been raised in such an environment.

Growing up, I learned to honor and cherish my family above all else. I may have been stubborn in other aspects of my life, but when it comes to my family, I am willing to do whatever it takes.

I was not conceived through love, but my mom and dad taught me that love cannot be forced or bound by anything.

Daddy Pax once told me that love is patient and should be nurtured until it ripens, much like waiting for the right time. Even if someone may seem right for you, if the timing isn't perfect, it might not be the destined love for you.

Daddy Niko, on the other hand, shared his wisdom that love isn't something you can impose upon someone else.

Sometimes, when you've loved someone for a long time, your mind becomes conditioned to always choose them, but it doesn't necessarily mean that your heart will follow suit. There are moments when your mind may still believe you love them, but your heart no longer feels anything.

So, as Dad advised, love a person when both your heart and brain agree that you genuinely love the person standing before you.

Then, Mommy Leo also once said that love is respecting the feelings and decisions of your partner, but I should always make sure to leave something for myself, whether the relationship continues or not.

Loving someone means understanding that they could leave, yet hoping that they will stay. And for that person to stay, I need to do what it takes to make them want to stay.

Learning these lessons from my extraordinary family, I realized that love is a delicate dance between the mind and heart. It's not just a matter of saying the words; it's about feeling them at your core.

It's about finding that perfect synchrony where your emotions align with your thoughts. The heart, though sometimes unpredictable, can be guided by wisdom and experience. It can be shown what real love looks and feels like.

Along my journey in life, I've also come to understand that love is not confined to one person alone. Love, in all its expansive glory, can be found in various forms and connections. It can thrive within friendships, display its beauty within families, or ignite passion with a romantic partner. Love is not limited; it is abundant and ready to be discovered in unexpected places.

So, can I teach my heart to love a certain person?

Perhaps not directly, but I can certainly create an environment that allows the heart to bloom and find its own way. With the right influences, knowledge, and experiences, the heart can learn to recognize and embrace a love that is meant for it. It's about giving my heart the freedom to explore and discover the depths of love, all while remaining true to its own desires.

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