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"In the case of anger, a pitfall may involve impulsivity and acting out aggressively, potentially leading to negative consequences in relationships or other areas of life. Pitfalls in emotional states can include maladaptive coping strategies, unhealthy behavior patterns, distorted thinking patterns, or difficulty regulating and expressing emotions in a constructive manner."

This chapter is dedicated to  Aly_ysay



After exactly 45 minutes, we arrived here in the Philippines at the Alejandro-Palermo military headquarters. More than 50 Elite Black Phoenix operatives were lined up in front of us, all wearing their special gear.

As we conducted a headcount, we noticed that there were 20 women, with 10 of them being snipers, while the rest were male operatives serving as fronts and assassins.

In the front was Tito Winter standing, her hand pressed against her temple, clearly deep in thought.

"You!" Tito Winter pointed a finger at Beta, who was kneeling and bowing before him. "I told you to monitor the surroundings," he said sternly.

Silence fell upon us as all the Black Phoenix members remained kneeling in front of Tito Winter. No one dared to raise their heads, nor move. They looked like statues, frozen in a position of obedience and respect.

"Winter!" Tito Hector shouted. "The list is here," Tito Hector, reaching forward to hand Tito Winter a white envelope.

Without uttering a word, Tito Winter accepted the envelope and proceeded to open it. An intense air of anticipation filled the room as he stood there, carefully examining the contents of the paper. He walked over to where Daddy Niko and I were standing and handed the paper to Dad. My eyes widened as I read the words written on the paper:


I swallowed hard and raised my gaze to look at Tito Winter's face. Her eyes were filled with so much emotion—she was angry, no, she was furious—but somehow managed to maintain her composure.

"What should we do?" Tito Hector asked once again, his voice serious.

"For now, leave that for Clio to handle. We need to focus on the Peralta Family," Tito Winter responded calmly.

I glanced at Daddy Niko, who was listening intently, his arms crossed over his chest. Tito Winter then walked away from us and returned to the front of the agents, ready to address them.

"Dad, who is the Peralta Family?" I asked, struggling to stand properly on my trembling knees.

Clio was standing behind us, keeping her distance as she preferred not to be surrounded by people. We knew better than to get too close when she was in a foul mood. This was the first time I had seen her so angry, leaving me unsure of what to do next.

Then it suddenly occurred to me that Athena might be able to handle Clio now, but it would be difficult. I couldn't send Athena here just to deal with Clio, as it would only put Athena in danger. For now, we need to find a way to manage Clio's anger and prevent her from meeting Athena.

"Jameson Peralta. He has been under watch for a long time, ever since he was known at the Math Wizard at APU. Knight was the one handling his case before he left the country, but unfortunately, he struggled to gather evidence, so Winter took control. Now, Jameson is simply dancing on Winter's palm," Daddy Niko explained, briefly closing his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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