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'The word "Theatermaus" to describe someone who is both dramatic and cute. "Theatermaus" combines the word "Theater" (theater) with "Maus" (mouse), creating a playful term that refers to someone who loves the dramatic arts while also having an adorable and charming personality.'



Hera's behavior sent shockwaves of confusion and concern rushing through me. Something was undeniably off.

Was she fully aware now of the seething jealousy that consumed me whenever she stood beside my brother? Or was it something entirely different that sparked the sudden blaze of anger that flickered in her eyes?

My mind whirled with questions, leaving me restless and unsettled. Athena, sensing the escalating tension, gently tugged on my arm, silently pleading for us to retreat from the brewing storm.

"This day is an absolute nightmare. And now, you're here?!" The sharpness in my brother's voice pierced the already tumultuous air, his frustration apparent even as he enjoyed a romantic rendezvous with the woman who possessed every fiber of my being.

"Kuya Knight, we're heading to see a movie. We're leaving," Athena interjected, her voice infused with a palpable eagerness to escape the mounting conflict.

She sensed the intensity between me and my brother, and her subtle grasp of the situation urged us to retreat. Her unspoken plea imploring us to disengage.

I clenched my jaw and balled my fists, watching with a mixture of dismay and pain as my brother unashamedly intertwined his fingers with Hera's, as if testing the limits of my tolerance.

"Let's go, Hera. I'll escort you home," my brother declared, forcefully pulling her away from us, as though snatching her from my grasp.

My heart urged me to chase after them, fueled by a maelstrom of conflicting emotions. Yet, Athena's firm grip on my arm served as a resolute barrier and an unwelcome reality check halting my first step and compelling me to reconsider.

"Clio, alam mong wala kang mapapala kung susundan mo sila," her voice carried determination, cutting through the haze of turmoil surrounding my thoughts.

Stifling my urge to pursue them, I reluctantly acquiesced to Athena's plea. Deep down, I acknowledged that despite my yearning, I couldn't compete with the bond she shared with my brother.

Resigned to this harsh reality, my head and heart waged a bloody battle, tearing me apart from the inside out. My trembling hands mirrored the chaos of my soul.

"Clio," Athena intervened, her voice a soothing balm amidst the storm.

She stepped forward, her eyes locked with mine, I looked at her, confusion and vulnerability laid bare in my eyes. Without hesitation, she pulled me closer, enveloping me in a cocoon of comfort and support.

"We have a long day ahead, mahal. Nandito ako. Focus on me and and let them fade away from your mind Clio, hindi mo deserve ang masaktan ng ganito" she murmured, her words resonating deep within the caverns of my unsettled heart. Gradually, her warmth and affection calmed the tempest raging within me.

Taking a deep breath, I released myself from Athena's embrace, a renewed sense of purpose and clarity emanating from within.

"Okay kana, alis na tayo abujing ko?" she asked, her hands still cradling my face.

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