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"A Wallflower refers to a person who observes or remains on the sidelines during social gatherings or events, often feeling shy, introverted, or overlooked. They may tend to blend into the surroundings and avoid attracting attention or actively participating in social interactions."



I woke up at 4:30 A.M. when my alarm clock rang throughout my room, it was so loud that I couldn't sleep again after.

I got up from my bed unwillingly. I look at the day on my digital calendar. It's Sunday. This day is supposedly my tutor day with Hera but she can't teach me today because she got a date with my older brother.

I should be her date if only I didn't intentionally lose that bowfight with Kuya. Why didn't I just win it? Yeah, being greedy won't hurt me. I guess.

My floor was too cold for my bare feet but I continued to walk toward my chair placed in front of my big circle mirror. I feel lonely and this feeling is suffocating me again. With the dark scenery in front of me, I can't stop wondering how will I end this cycle.

There's something about staring at nature or the vast expanse of the sky that's captivating.

I find myself just sitting here, lost in thought until the darkness creeps in and lulls me to sleep. When I wake up, the sky is still dark at 4:30 AM, and for some reason, it takes me back to my time in Norway.

There, I'd often sleep under the dark sky, and waking up to the same view was almost magical. It's like the world is still asleep, and you're the only one awake, watching the universe slowly come to life, one twinkle of a star at a time.

It's a feeling I can't quite put into words, but it's unpleasantly comforting in an inexplicable way.

The memory of those endless nights under the blanket of darkness still fills me with a sense of unease.

It's funny how something as simple as the color of the sky can trigger such negative emotions, but that's the power of memory, it has the ability to transport you to a place and time you'd much rather forget.

I was indulging in my own thoughts when I heard a notification from my phone. Who would message me early in the morning? Must be an insane person. I didn't bother to get up and remained where I was seated then minutes later my phone rang again but this time it was a call.

I closed my eyes for a moment while listening to the ringtone then slowly got up. My feet can still feel the cold surface. When I got in front of my side table I sat down on the edge of my bed and looked at the name of my caller.


I sighed and took a deep breath. Of course, she will call. I slowly answered the call and put the phone in my ear while still closing my eyes.

"Good morning" She greeted, her voice raspy and deep. Bedroom voice.

I didn't say anything in return and just listened to her voice. I could hear her roll on her bed then she grabbed something, I heard her groan a little after a click sound. "Clio, Good morning," She said again, her voice was so gentle, lazy gentle. I bet her eyes are still closed.

"Are your eyes still closed?" I asked out of curiosity.

She laughed sexily and then rolled again in her bed. "hulaan mo," she said like she was whispering in my ears. Her voice is too airy.

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