☆Character Info☆

18 1 7

This chapter will be an informative chapter of the characters we've seen so far into this story. I will not i clude afew people because i simply chose not to do so♡

Our amazing main character:

Daniel Mackelo

18 years old
Mother only, his father left at 4-5 years old

Thalasophobia and scosophobia
Speaking without permission, eating a full dish, asking for help

English and sign language

He is insomniac, and self harmed a long time, got raped multiple times for "candy" (drugs and money)
Smoked and vaped a long time.

Dr. Mo

Not alot of info except the lnaguages:
English and Spanish.
Sign language in multiple languages.

15, dark brown hair, blue eyes

Not any known trauma's or phobias
In the asyleum for more than 2 years.
Self harmed multiple times but stopped it multiple times too. Smoked and vaped.

The rest i'm not doing, simply to continue the story.


Hello my little starlights♡♡
This is the end of character info, i simply chose to make it small because the main story is the most important.

Also hello my sweet English teacher♡ thank you for reading this. I hope i didn't make too many spellings mistakes, so please don't murder me in school🙏🙏

Thank you Shui for being this amazing to me, and keep ur positive energy with you >:)

This will be the end!!

Words: 256
Therapies: 1 or 2
Breaks: alot
Inspo: litterly nothing- i almost chose to discontinue this book😭😭

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