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Hello lovelies,
Once again, i apoligise for that short chapter before, so i'll try to get this one at 2K words
I'll realy try my hardest but i won't promise anything because i HATE to break promises, and i'd feel guilty if i do.

This chapter will contain Yandare related things and a fight.
If you didn't realize yet, Daniel is a yandare for Fodee, to the point that he'd tear the world apart if he got one small bruise.
There is also another guy in the asyleum that likes Fodee, Qoti, he is very jealous of Dan for being able to date Fodee before he could.

~Onto the story, shall we?~


Daniel's POV:

I was mad. No, i am mad right now. Fodee and i were back in that big ass hall. I had placed Fodee back on his feet because i wanted to grab a book, i did grab one. I was walking back to Fodee when i saw that guy from before again.
He was pulling on Fodee's arm, trying to get Fodee to come with him. I could see my lover's face contort in pain which caused a string to snap inside my senses.
I rushed over and didn't held myself back, punching that fucker in the face, making him stumble and fall back on the ground.

Everyone in the hall gasped and was looking our way but i didn't care, right now i wanted to make this jackass pay for what he did to MY lover.

He got up and i could see him grinning. Oh he thinks this shit's funny? Well funny in his ass 'cuz he'll have to catch these fists.
I was punching him on his face, in his stomach and also kicking him as much as possible. Oh it was getting BLOODY.
He tried his best to avoid the hits as much as possible, but i could land most of them.
This was satisfying to do. The door slammed open and afew workers entered the hall, trying to get me off of that guy, but i knocked those 4 to the ground and continued with my main target. 6 other workers entered, beaten them easily. Security also had to enter, multiple guard surrounding me.
I counted 15 guards in total. Damn, am i this hard to beat?
I laughed at those before afew guards started tugging me off, pushing me off of them as i kept slipping out of their multiple grips.
I was getting flashbacks but i pushed those away as Mo entered the hall.
But this time, he couldn't solve this. This was near my breaking point. I saw his eyes widden before he yelled afew things at Fodee. I didn't understand anything due to the pressure of being mad was suprior.

I was attacking my main target again, his face was covered in blood, his eyes both blue and i even knocked a tooth out. He had bruised knees and a bruised shoulder, a broken toe and 3 cracked fingers. I was going to give him another blow when i suddenly felt Fodee touch my shoulder.

This caught my attention, as i slowly turned around to meet his gaze. He had a glint of fright in his eyes and sadness filled his and my eyes. I stopped my action and clinged onto him. I was on my knees, hugging his legs and crying my heart out.
Screams and cries filled up the hall. Mo came towards us but i screamed at him to stay away. He understood and stood still. Afew other kids were bold enough to come close, which resorted in Mo yelling at them to go away.

My breaking point had arrived. Another group of security guards arrived, this group was armed with guns and tazers. They tried to get me off of Fodee but i held on tight.
I don't want to let go of him. I'm scared.


I'm so scared..
Don't take him away..
I clung to him as if my life depended on it. I don't want to let go...

~Covered in cuts~Where stories live. Discover now