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DOCTORS AND NURSES AS WELL AS THE PORTERS RUSH AROUND the busy ER waiting room. Sun rays shine brightly through the nearby windows and cast shadows on the dull, bland walls.

A television is mounted to the wall, a lot of people crowd around it watching the news. Just like everyone has been for the past week since the news broke of people going crazy.

In between the rushing bodies of doctor's and nurses is a middle- aged red haired woman. The woman is sorting through the paperwork of a patient.

The woman chews on her nails until they bled, a nervous habit borne out of the relentless worry that gnawed at her from within.

Footsteps cause the woman to look up from the computer. "Mia, there's a patient in cubicle 8." Her coworker calls out to the woman. "Before you go it's another case of that flu." They add.

Mia turns around and grabs the file from her coworker. Her chairs squeaks as she gets up from her seat. Her eyes wander down the piece of paper, she walks towards the cubicle and opens the curtains up. 

"Mr Carr, how you feeling?" She asks as she begins to take his vitals.

"A bit dizzy and sweaty." He states as he watches the nurse closely. "I feel a bit nauseous as well." He adds.

"Can you look at my nose?" She asks him.

He follows her penlight which is when she notices how red his eyes are. Biting back a gasp, she puts her torch back into his pocket. Her hands then move towards the bandage on his arm, where she could see the dried, flaky blood underneath it.

"What happened to your arm?" She asks as she slowly takes the bandage off.

"Some random person bit me." He answers.

"Well it's a good job you came as you don't real—," she trails off as she finally opens up the bandage and notices the wound. "Are you sure it was a person who bit you?" She asks.

"Positive." He breathes.

"I'm gonna bandage this wound up again and then I'll see how long we'll keep in for and then I'll give the Tetanus jab." The woman smiles weakly at him. "Then I'll place you on an IV to give you plenty of fluids." She adds.

The man nods at the woman and watches as she grabs the equipment she needs. She numbs around the wound before she begins to cleans it out.

He watches as the IV is placed into her arms. "I'll get one of my fellow nurses to come in and take your bloods. Until sit tightly." She reassures him.

She takes off her gloves and places them in the bin. Her hands cling to the nearest hard surface, fingers digging into the surface. She grabs the paperwork and finishes writing up what happened.

Moving out the cubicle, she makes her way back towards the nurses station where she looks through the computer at the news reports. When all of a sudden the monitor in the cubicle she was in go off.

"Mia!" One of the nurses shout. "What happened?" They ask her.

"I don't know." Mia states. "He was fine when I left. He didn't complain about anything but the bite on his arm. Half of his flesh was gone." She tells them.

"What?" Another nurse gasps.

"Yeah. He said another person bit him." She insists. "Bella, I did what we always have to do when someone comes in with a bite." She continues.

"What the hell is happening?" Bella mutters. "He's the fifteenth person to come in with a bite today and the fortieth person this week." She adds.

"What?" Mia exclaims as Bella takes her out of the cubicle.

"There's been some rumors of people biting other people." Bella says. "That's why we've called you in from your holiday. The hospital has been so busy." She adds.

Mia could feel the dread growing on her as she thinks back to her husband being called out to another city to help out with their hospitals.

She freezes, her eyes wide with astonishment, as she turns back towards the cubicle where she spots a doctor pulling a white sheet over the patients head.

A vibration noise grabs their attention, Mia makes her way to her locker and opens it up. Taking out her phone, she answers it. "Hey, baby." She smiles.

"Mom, you need to come home. The news is saying that something bad is happening and Liv also needs you to come home." The voice on the end says.

"Lucas, I'm coming ok." Mia reassures him. "I'm going to get changed and then I'm coming home ok. You listen to what your sister tells you to do." She adds.

"Ok, mom." He answers. "Be careful, because what it is going has spooked Liv out. She won't tell me what happened." He then says.

"Ok baby." She says. "I love you." She whispers.

"I love you too." He says.

She hangs up her phone and rummages through her locker. "Where you going?" Bella questions her.

"Somethings happened to Liv." She answers. "I've got to go home." She then adds.

"What?" Bella breathes.

"I don't know but Lucas said she won't say." Mia states. "Can you cover for me?" She then questions her colleague.

"Yeah." Bella reassures her.

"Thanks, Bella." Mia smiles. "I owe you one." She adds.

"You bet you do." Bella calls out.

The woman rushes down the hallway pushes her way towards the stairwell. Her legs carry her down the endless stairs then towards the car park. She stops at the sight of soldiers entering the hospital.

"What the hell?" She mutters to herself.

A shiver runs down her spine, like wildfire. Her eyes then wander towards the door she came from, where she notices a woman limping out of it. She furrows her eyebrows in confusion.

She then clamps her hands over her mouth, stifling the scream, her eyes wide with terror as she fought to contain the panic that threatened to consume her. The gunfire jolts her out of the daze she was in.

She bolts towards her car and unlocks it. Shoving her whole body into the car, she takes a deep breath but let's out a shriek as a body slams into the drivers side of the car.

Her eyes meet the eyes of the person who threw themselves at the car. The hands of the person keep banging on the car door window. "What happened to you?" She whispers.

She watches as the person turns away from the door and into the opposite direction. Towards the hospital. Putting her seatbelt on, she turns the car and speeds out of the car park. The woman ignores everything that's happening around.

Her mind is focusing on one thing. Going home and getting her family to safety.

Hello hello, so I've unpublished my other twd fan fiction so that I can finish writing the episodes up and editing them. Also for this book the first three or four chapters are going to be set before Rick and the group arrive.

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