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Clouds begin to blanket the sky, hiding the full moon in its full glory behind them

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Clouds begin to blanket the sky, hiding the full moon in its full glory behind them. The night brings a nice cool breeze. The house is the dim lit, Mia is sitting down stairs with her father, sisters, Patrica, Otis and Jimmy.

Lily and Sierra are fast asleep in their new beds whilst Cara, Olivia and Lucas are still unpacking all of their items. Warm neutrals are woven throughout this fashionable bedroom.

Olivia's lips lifted as she lifts up a teddy bear and looks towards Lily. Tiptoeing over to the bed, she gently places the teddy beside the young girl. She then places a framed photo on the drawers between the two single beds.

She then quietly moves out of the bedroom and carefully shuts the door. The young woman makes her way towards the room she and Cara will be sharing. Her eyes widen at how tidy the room is — taking her hoodie off she places it in the washing basket.

She walks towards the bed and lies down on top of it. She welcomes the silky duvet on her back. Something then hits her face, making a face she sits up and glares at her friend.

"What?" She asks.

"Your turn." Cara smirks.

"You did leave enough hot water?" She asks.

"Yes." Cara says.

The young woman grabs the towel and toiletries from her bed and makes her way towards the bathroom.

Locking the door behind her, Olivia switches the shower on, she waits for the water to get to the temperature it should be.

Stripping from her clothes, she carefully gets into the shower. The water slowly begins to warm her, soothing the ache in her leg from the running that she had done earlier on in the day.

Her fingers then comb their way through her long, ginger hair. Washing the shampoo suds off of her, the water sends them down in little streams down her back.

She then drags the soap over her body, the action begins to sooth some of her tough skin. Turning off the shower, she goes to the mirror and wipes the steam away.

Wrapping the towel around her body, the young woman begins to wash her face in the sink. Her hands then grab a hold of her toothbrush and toothpaste.

As soon as she finishes brushing her teeth, she begins to change into her pyjamas. Unlocking the door, her hands grab the clothes and towel off the floor and moves towards the bedroom. She places them into the washing basket.

Knocking the main light off, she toddles towards her bed. Peeling back the covers, she crawls into the bed. She lets a moan as she stretches her body out.

"You girls alright." The voice of her Mother sounds.

"Yeah." Olivia smiles.

"What about you, Cara?" She questions Cara.

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