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"Dale could-- could get under your skin

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"Dale could-- could get under your skin. He sure got under mine, because he wasn't afraid to say exactly what he thought, how he felt. That kind of honesty is rare and brave. Whenever I'd make a decision, I'd look at Dale. He'd be looking back at me with that look he had. We've all seen it one time or another." Rick begins. "I couldn't always read him, but he could read us. He saw people for who they were. He knew things about us-- The truth... Who we really are. In the end, he was talking about losing our humanity. He said this group was broken. The best way to honor him is to unbreak it. Set aside our differences and pull together, st feeling sorry for ourselves and take control of our lives... Our safety...our future. We're not broken. We're gonna prove him wrong. From now on... We're gonna do it his way. That is how we honor Dale." He finishes.

Olivia and Cara share a look before turning back around walking towards the house. Hearing a cough from behind them, the two stop in their tracks before spinning around and facing whoever coughed.

"And where do you two think you're going?" The unmistakable and irritating voice of Shane quizzes them.

"What's to do with you?" Cara retorts.

"You're supposed to helping us out." He responds.

"They are." Rick answers from behind him. "They're going down the basement to put food down there. As well as spare essentials into our cars that we may need if we have to leave the farm." He adds.

Olivia let's out a snort as Cara lifts her hand up and shows off her middle finger to Shane. Olivia shoves Cara's arm down moving back towards the house.

"It'll be tight, 14 people in one house." Rick once again reminds Hershel.

"Don't worry about that. With the swamp hardening, the creek drying up..." Hershel trails off.

"With 50 head of cattle on the property, we might as well be ringing a damn dinner bell." Maggie states.

"She's right. We should've moved you in a while ago." Hershel agrees.

"All right, let's move the vehicles near each of the doors facing out toward the road." Rick instructs.

Mia walks away and helps her sister and Lori with carrying stuff. Lori smiles of appreciation as Mia takes some stuff away from her. The brown haired woman smiles as

"The men are in there." Lori informs them.

"You can put your stuff upstairs in my room." Maggie tells Glenn as she and Olivia make their way towards him.

"With your dad in the house?" Glenn asks. "I just-- I'm just gonna put my stuff over there." He stutters, Olivia shares a look with Maggie before turning around and walking out of the house.

Olivia places the box on the floor before opening the car door open, she neatly places the box inside before closing the door. She heads back inside and retrieves another box before repeating the same action.

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