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WARNING: a very long chapter with blood, descriptions of death & injuries.

Sky was entirely black, as the moon humbly took the sun's place, dim lights fill the Greene house up

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Sky was entirely black, as the moon humbly took the sun's place, dim lights fill the Greene house up. Quietness fills the whole house as the group wait for the return Rick, Glenn, Shane and Daryl coming back from their search of Randall and the two girls.

Mia's right hand moves towards her forehead whilst her left travels towards her eyes to wipe them. The worry she has for the two girls continues to build and build and build.

"I'm going after them." Andrea says as she standing up.

"Don't. They could be anywhere. And if Randall comes back, we're gonna need you here." Lori informs the blonde woman.

The front door opens making Mia's head whip around and face who is at the door. Glenn and Daryl walk into the house. When she notices that neither Cara or Olivia were with them, she frowns.

"Rick and Shane ain't back?" Daryl asks them.

"No." Lori responds.

"We heard a couple shots." Daryl notes as he looks around the room.

"Maybe they found Randall and the girls." Lori states.

"We found him." Daryl informs the brown haired woman.

"Is he back in the shed?" Maggie asks him.

"He's a walker." Daryl tells them all making Mia look at him with wide eyes.

"Did you find the walker that bit him?" Hershel questions the man.

"No, the weird thing is he wasn't bit." Glenn states.

"His neck was broke." Daryl adds on making Mia tilts her head as she looks at him.

"So he fought back." Patricia assumes.

"The thing is, Shane and Randall's tracks were right on top of each other. And Shane ain't no tracker, so he didn't come up behind him. They were together." Daryl explains before turning Mia, who stares at him. "We found two more tracks. We're pretty sure the girls saw what happened and he tried to chase after them but they split up trying get him off their trail. Those girls were one step ahead of him, we couldn't follow the split up ones as it is dark and with the gunshots who knows what be lurking around." Daryl states.

Mia could feel her hands shaking as she hears the news, she turns around and looks at her dad and little sister with water filled eyes.

"Would you please get back out there, find Rick and Shane and find out what on earth is going on?" Lori questions Daryl as she places a hand on Mia's shoulder trying to keep the woman calm.

"You got it." Daryl nods.

"Thank you." Lori smiles at the hunter.

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