IX: Music Production II

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Five Weeks Later

Five Weeks Later

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Megan Pete

I sat down on the small couch across from the female interviewer. Today, I'm doing a interview and I wanted to try to shed light on black female podcasters in the industry, by being interviewed by one.

Once the interview started, we really started vibing and it felt like I was talking to an old friend of mine, not an interviewer. She was asking me in depth questions about my upcoming projects, relationships, my childhood and college.

"So, you have made it clear that you don't plan on dropping out of college despite being one of the hottest female rappers out right now, right? So tell me how difficult it is to balance this profession while being a full time student. Does Megan Thee Stallion get treated as Megan Thee Stallion at TSU? Or are you just known to the professor's as Megan, Megan Thee Student?" She asked me.

We both laughed and I shook my head. "No, honestly, the professor's don't care about any of that. They don't care if I have music on the radio or that I'm doing performances and festivals or that I have to make club appearances. To them, I'm just Megan Pete and they hold me to the same standard as any other student, as they should, ya know? But I do think they could be a tad bit more understanding when it comes to me turning in assignments on time. A lot of the time, I'm booked and I have to scramble at the last minute to finish an assignment after I just got off the stage doing a thirty minute to an hour set. They could give me a little more leniency." I laughed. "Just a little more, instead of being petty and docking me points for my assignments being turned in a couple of minutes late."

The interviewer laughed and shook her head. "Wait! They're docking you points for turning in your assignments only a few minutes late, knowing you're Megan Thee Stallion and have other obligations?"

I nodded my head. "Girl, they don't care! They don't care nothing about my lil title." I joked.

"Damn, that's petty as hell." She laughed.

"And is!" I laughed.

"Well, besides some Professors being petty towards you and not caring about your circumstances, is there one Professor who does understand and tries to give you a little slack? Any Professor that has been a big help to you?"

I smiled, thinking about Beyoncé.

"Yes, there's one, in particular." I stated.

"Care to comment any further on that?" She asked me.

"No." I shook my head. "All I can say is that there is one Professor who has helped me a considerable amount and I make sure that I tell them that every chance I'm able to."

"Okay, okay." She smirked. "I see you cheesing a lil hard over there. Do you have a crush on this said Professor perhaps?"

I laughed and closed my eyes for a moment. Beyoncé would kill me if I even led on to anyone about anything. Given our history at TSU, she's going to be the first person they look at if I admit to having a crush.

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