V: Remember The Time

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Megan Pete

Beyoncé and I were laid out on the floor, exhausted. Her body was still slightly shaking and I stuck my face into her neck.

"You forgive me now?" I asked.

"Mhmmm." She mumbled. "Damn, Megan...you're nasty as hell."

I laughed and ran my hand over her stomach. "You sure you won't get pregnant?" I asked Bey as I lifted my head up and looked at her.

She laughed and rubbed on my thigh. "Yes. You're not a man, you don't have semen, Megan. Just because you're freaky as hell and fingered me with your cum, doesn't mean I'm going to get pregnant. It's impossible, babe." She squeezed my face and I shrugged.

"I just wanted to make sure. But if I could, you would be pregnant right now." I spoke truthfully

"Oh I know, nasty." She stuck the tip of her tongue out and I leaned into her face and sucked on it.

"Mmmmm." She moaned, grabbing my face. Slipping her tongue into my mouth fully, we shared a sloppy passionate kiss.

Wait!" Bey said. "You don't deserve a kiss after you almost made me go crazy while my mama was on the phone. You were stroking me like that on purpose, I know you were."

I laughed, because she was right. I just wanted to see if she was bold enough to really sit there and have a conversation. Though she answered, she rushed Mama Tina off the phone pretty quickly, so I don't think she knew what Bey and I were really up to.

"See! Over there laughing. I knew you were being childish, doing all that extra stuff, constantly altering your stroke." She shook her head.

"You did good though, Bey. I don't think she realized what we were doing."

She took a deep breath and looked at me. "I hope not, or you and I are going to be in more trouble than when we were on the day after that Thanksgiving."

I closed my eyes and shook my head, reliving the morning after Beyoncé and I had sex in her mother's house.

Slowly creeping out of the guest room I had to stay in, I cautiously walked, seeing as though my legs were still a little sore. I was extremely nervous about how all of this was going to go. I don't know if people heard Bey and I earlier this morning, but I'm pretty sure they did considering Bey's loud ass mouth. Making my way down the stairs and approaching the kitchen, I heard voices and my anxiety immediately kicked in. Rounding the corner, everyone stopped talking as I looked around the kitchen. Solange had a huge grin on her face, trying to conceal her laughter and Angie had a big smirk on her face, eyeing me up and down.

"Good morning." I spoke quietly.

Mama Tina turned around at the stove and stopped cooking for a moment. She looked at me with a look of disappointment as she shook her head.

"Good morning, Megan."

I sighed and instantly felt flush with embarrassment.

I told Bey to shut up!

"Well don't just stand there! Pop a squat!" Solange invited me over to the small island in the middle of the kitchen with the motion of her hand. I slowly walked over to the island and looked back and forth between Solange and Angie who were sitting next to each other, smiling big.

Taking a seat across from Solange, I lowly cleared my throat and she slapped her hand down on the middle of the island.

"Y'all nasty!" She whispered, leaning towards me.

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