XVII: Shots Fired

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Ten Months Later

Ten Months Later

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Megan Pete

"Should've let them lock yo ass up! Pussy!" I yelled into the studio microphone.

I seen the engineer nod his head and I took my headphones off.

After I broke things off with Bey, I really spiraled. Grieving her and our relationship on top of still grieving and not being healed from the loss of my parents and grandmother, I was on one and everything went downhill. I grouped up with people who I thought were my genuine friends, who were yes men and only using me for their benefit.

They watched me go on a downward spiral and encouraged me to spiral even more and drown myself in alcohol. Cliquing up with the wrong people, always drinking, depressed, not loving myself and my body as I should have, I allowed people who didn't deserve it or me to come into my space and use me and my body.

I ended up dating Bagg for a little while, officially, and when that didn't work, I ended up fucking niggas that I shouldn't have, which led to the situation I'm in now. But I won't be silenced or kept down in the mud with the rest of these niggas. I will prevail when it's all said and done.

"That was really good, Meg." My recording engineer, Source, complimented me.

"Thank you." I smiled, getting up from the chair inside of the booth.

After being shot last month over a petty ass argument with Tory Lanez, someone I was cool and just kicking it with, I have been humiliated, harassed and made out to be a joke in the media. Not only has Tory been harassing me and lying about shooting me, him and his label are trying to spin the narrative and make this situation out to be something that it's not. I was going to stay silent and let the shit go away once TMZ blasted the footage of me being shot, but the way Tory and his label have been trying to discredit me and harass me, I have to speak up. My label, 1501, is even joining in to try to keep me down, but I won't let it happen. These niggas aren't going to break me. It's me versus everyone right now and I will make sure I come out on top.

Leaving out of the studio, I had Source play the rough cut of what I just recorded while Farris chilled and listened in on the couch in the studio. Once I felt my verses were perfect, and the producer, Buddah Bless, and the assistant mixing engineers promised they were going to work on the song around the clock and send it to me once it was complete, I left the studio.

Leaving the studio with Farris, we got into my Suburban that was waiting for me. Sliding into the backseat next to Farris, I quickly posted a picture I took while I was in the studio, for my fans and immediately turned my phone off. I can't deal with all the social media trolls and negative press circulating about me online, so I've limited my social media use and try to keep my phone off as much as I am able to, since I'm in such high demand right now. I'm being booked left and right for performances and festivals, especially after this incident of being shot and harassed, and because of my major collaboration with Cardi B.

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