X: Hrs & Hrs

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Megan Pete

I stirred in my sleep and shifted some before slowly blinking my eyes open. I yawned and ran my hand down my waist, feeling Beyoncé's hand. Gently grabbing her hand, I pushed it off of me carefully and heard her groan. I turned my head back and kissed her face before getting out of her bed quietly.

That woman is really something else. Last night she showed me once again why I call her Daddyoncé. She fucked me so good, too good even. And the way she ate my pussy, was as if she would never taste it again. I honestly think she was trying to distract me from what she told me about her husband, but in no way was I going to brush it off and forget what she told me. He will be dealt with.

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand closest to the side of the bed I was on and walked to Bey's bathroom. I need to call Farris and see if he has any people to deal with Trent the right way.

Entering her bathroom and closing the door behind me, I called Farris and waited patiently until he finally answered after the sixth or seventh ring.

"Hello?" He answered sleepily.

"Farris." I spoke.

"Megan?" He asked.

"Yes, look, I need your help with something." I whispered into my phone.

"Wait. You in trouble? Hold on." He said abruptly as I heard him shuffling around. I already knew he was getting up and preparing for me to tell him the worst.

"I'm not in trouble Farris. You don't need to fly out here or anything. I just need to know if you still have some connects willing to put in some work. Specifically hitting a lick."

"Wait, wait, what?" He asked. "You asking me to have some people rob—."

"Nigga! Forget it, Farris. I'm sure my FBI agent is listening in on this phone call. You just got us caught up nigga, nevamind." I said frustratedly.

He chuckled. "Nah, forreal, I need to understand what you're talking about Meg. What is all of this about?" Farris questioned.

I took a deep breath and leaned my left hand on the bathroom counter and leaned over some, looking down at the marble flooring. "Beyoncé's husband put his hands on her. He slammed her into a wall when they were arguing and he called her a bitch. She has a protective order, but he needs to learn his lesson Farris. I can't allow him to get away with doing some shit like that to her. Bey said she was scared and really thought he would kidnap their daughter when she was trying to leave him that night."

"Megan...you cannot get caught up behind this woman. I know you love her, but you're a celebrity now. An extremely famous female rapper. How would it look to have your name behind some shit like this? Huh?"

He doesn't understand. I would do anything for Bey and Honour. I don't have much family, and they are my family now and I will make sure to protect them at all costs, unlike my mother, father and grandmother. I had no control over what happened to them, but I have control over this situation with Honour and Bey and they will always be protected by me, no matter what.

"Don't worry about it, Farris, I'll handle it." I spoke.

I heard him sigh deeply. "What's his name, Meg?"

I smiled to myself and laughed lightly. "Trent."

"Trent? That's it? I need a last name and where he stays." He stressed.

"Uhmm...hold on." I said, heading towards the bathroom door. I'm sure Bey has some paperwork or something somewhere with his name on it. Creeping out of the bathroom quietly, I looked around and decided to check in Bey's private office. Heading to the back of her massive bedroom, towards her office, I opened the door and went in. Going straight to her desk, I looked carefully at the paperwork she had on top of it. I shuffled through the papers and skimmed through the words just to see what the documents entailed. The only thing I really seen was students papers and things about TSU. I sucked my teeth and started opening the drawers to her desk and started pulling papers out.

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