Chapter 13

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Camila yawned as she sat on the deck, watching the sun coming up over the lake. It would have been nice to watch it with Lauren, but Camila knew better than to wake her. She was not an early bird, and they had been up until early in the morning. Camila pulled the blanket around her shoulders, shielding herself from the early morning breeze. She loved this time of day, hardly anyone else was awake, and she could enjoy the peace. She thought about everything that had happened recently and how happy she was.

Then she said the words out loud "I'm in love, I'm in love with Lauren Jauregui." This feeling was amazing, and she knew she had never been in love with someone before. She also felt sorry for Shawn because if he did indeed loved her, it must be terrible not to have it returned, but she couldn't force feelings that weren't there.

Suddenly a coffee appeared in front of her face the steam rising from the mug in the chilly morning air. Camila looked up and smiled at the slightly grumpy face of Lauren. She took the cup of coffee and pulled it close, warming herself up. Lauren sat down next to her "I didn't realise you were insane when I met you" said the hoarse voice. Camila laughed "Why are you sat outside at this ungodly hour."

Camila sipped at the hot coffee it flooded her body with warmth more effective than the blanket. "I like this time of day so calm so peaceful" Camila whispered blowing on the coffee feeling the heat fan up against her face.

"So is lying asleep in bed" Lauren grumbled. Camila shook her head and took her hand. She did chuckle to herself Lauren didn't need to be here; she could be tucked up in bed and not giving her grief.

"If this about being a good host you don't have to Lauren I'm fine I chose to be out here," Camila said smiling. Lauren just shrugged her shoulders and leaned against Camila. To be honest, it wasn't about being a good host she enjoyed being around Camila even if it was just sat together in silence. It seemed cheesy to voice, so she didn't, she had been feeling a lot more things recently since meeting Camila. She worried about her when she wasn't around, she wanted Camila's opinion on things, and when good things happened, she wanted Camila to know first. This was a strange feeling for her, and it made her feel uneasy and ridiculous.

It didn't stop her from doing it though "Penny for them" Camila said. She was watching as Lauren's eyes stared out into the lake. "You know you can talk to me about anything, Lo." Lauren looked at her when she shortened her name. "Just trying it out if you don't like it I won't use it again" Camila shrugged.

"it's fine, Camz as long as it isn't a gateway to a lot of different pet names I'm not keen on them" Lauren replied.

"Ok babe I won't use it then honey bun" Camila chuckled.

"Would you like an early morning swim it can be arranged?" Lauren said playfully. Camila held up her hands in surrender. Turning serious "I'm truly happy I just get a bit overwhelmed by these feeling sometimes they feel so strong so soon."

"Just go with it and keep talking to me it's all normal, try not to overthink things," Camila said as she kissed Lauren on the cheek. "Are you sure you're happy I can't always tell?"

"Yes very" Lauren assured "Happier than I have been in years even sat out here," she said laughing.

"I was going to go for a run before breakfast if you don't mind when the sun is up," Camila asked.

"It's ok if you don't expect me to come with you," Lauren said and Camila shook her head. "I will make some breakfast. If you follow the track around the lake, it will loop you back round to here."

Lauren laid back against Camila in the large bathtub. "This was a good idea" Camila drawled the hot water soothing her aching muscles from running. "Even better when you got in with me." Camila threaded her fingers through Lauren's as her thumbs stroked the soft skin of her hands. She placed a kiss on Lauren's hair. "I feel like I'm always telling you about myself and don't know much about you, tell me about Tyrone if it doesn't hurt too much," Camila asked hoping she hadn't overstepped.

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