~ "PL!Jander" ~

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Jake walks into the music room, seemingly distracted and looking solemn. He sits down at the lyric writing table and starts scribbling out quick little jolts of lyrics in his lyrics book. He groans and smacks his head into the table, a distressed look on his face.
Zander walks into the room, throwing his little black satchel onto an empty chair near the door. He notices Jake almost right away.
"Jake?" Zander says, raising an eyebrow. "Why are you so early? The meeting doesn't start for another, like, hour,"
"Doesn't matter," Jake mumbles, the side of his face still pressed to the table. Zander sighs and walks over to Jake, putting a hand on the table to hold himself up while he leans to the side, his legs crossed lazily.
"Something is up, what is it?" Zander asks, staring Jake in the eye. Jake stares back.
For a few awkwardly silent moments, the two teenage boys stare at eachother before Jake groans once again.
"Ughhh, you insufferable bastard," Jake murmurs.
"Tell me." Zander demands, but not as harsh as he'd usually be when demanding something of Jake.
"My mom is... not doing well. She can't find a new job, and our bills are due in a week. I want to help her, but I can't. It just... hurts." Jake mumbles quietly, hoping Zander wouldn't hear it properly.
Zander pulls up a chair next to Jake and sits down, putting a hand on Jake's shoulder. It was so odd for him to do that. So odd for him to touch Jake without being reluctant.
"Your mom is strong. She just needs a little help. I bet my parents would be willing to do free childcare or something for Milo, so that he doesn't have to stay with you during school hours. And then you're welcome at my house. And Sean's house. Your mom needs to know her kids are safe. If Milo is with people she trusts and you're with people she trusts, she'd have a better chance of getting a job." Zander responds.
Jake blinks and sits up properly, looking at Zander. "You think so?"
"I know so."
Jake pulls Zander into a hug, and receives no objections. Zander doesn't even wait a moment to hug back, his arms move and wrap around Jake in a hug almost instinctively.
"Thanks, Zander... that means a lot, coming from you," Jake mutters.

"I'm right here.." ~ Jake x Sean ~ The Music FreaksWhere stories live. Discover now