Unknown -11

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William POV:

I sighed sliding down nearby driver's seat. Yeah I lost Shotgun.
"Come on Let's go you idiot." I grumbled spreading some fevicol on the seat. I know am going overboard but who cares. How can he win me in this?!

As expected Tom slapped his butt kissing it before placing on driver's seat.I laughed a villainy laugh thinking about what's going to happen!!

"Iam a bad man Ha ha..." He guffawed starting the truck making me smirk.

" Yeah such a badass." I patted his shoulder which made him nod proudly at himself. Hmmm...Later it's going to be very Bad ass...
He started to drive from one of the road to another making me to clutch the dashboard hard.

" What the fuck Tom?!" I want to break his grinning face.

"We are kidnappers remember?! We have to showoff bro.." He said making me slap his head upside down.
He hissed stopping his stupidity.
We reached Tim's home by 11 Pm as expected.

"Come on Idiot." I said jumping out of truck looking at now struggling Tom.

" nghhhh.." He pulled hard finally falling down with screech and loud thud which made my day..Afterall Life is blissful....

" My ass!!" Tom squealed grating My ears. I came around to at my handiwork. Not bad.
I clapped myself on my shoulder for my intelligence.
Everything is going good so far.
I pulled him up and twisted him to find some patch is missing on his butt revealing his teddy bear underwear.
How gross!!!!!

He whined rubbing his ass and whimpered on finding missing patch.
"There there buddy it's all for our good friend okay !!" I encouraged him by patting his shoulder.Poor soul.

" Tom back to our main mission. Look at me cheer up. See there is a ledge just above the entrance. Sit there and wait for me. Load the anesthesia in our gun okay. Good lucky" I shook his hand which made him smile a bit.

" Start by climbing ledge I will be back." I threw rope with hook on the ledge and succeed by 3rd pass.

Tom grunted trying to climb it " Wait until I get my hand on that scumbag "
When he succeeded I entered through backdoor searching for Tim's room flashing my flashlight through the dark house.
I had my mask in case we get caught.
I sighed lifting the mask little to get some air.So hotttt...
Well he is not in his room then where is he?!
I roamed around crouching but no luck.
I exited through backdoor and rubbed my head thinking how the plan got into dump so fast.
I looked up on ledge to find Tom snoring loudly instead of watching.
I threw a pebble on his head feeling frustrated.

" It's Williams idea...." He screeched turning around like idiot.

I gritted my teeth on thinking how fast he sold me.Idiot.

" It's William." I gritted out looking at his swollen drooling face.
He looked sheepish on realising how he sold me out just like that.

"Sorry. Where is he?!"

" He is not in the house. Get do...."
I cut off when I heard strange hissing .I signalled Tom to wait there and followed the sound finding Tom and Rain kissing.
I backed off without announcing my arrival.

" Wait there. On my signal shoot him okay." He saluted getting the gun ready.
I mimicked Tim's dad's voice " Tim my son where are you?! " I mimicked.
After some rustling around the bush Tim rushed towards entrance.

I signalled Tom when Tim got infront of me. I raised my hand to shoot him.
But Tim walked like nothing has happened.
Then only I noticed a pricking sensation spreading across my arm.
That Idiot shot me.Iam going to kill him.
When I saw at the Idiot he grinned like he achieved his Olympic in shooting.
I felt my eyes roll to heaven being Tom's open mouth as last image.

Soon I will break it.

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