Unknown 8

11 1 0

After 3 hours of hell with Tim and Rain we got escaped with ringing ears and drained body.

That girl put engine sound to shame.

" Oh god save us" Tom said leaning on me.

" Hey guys where are you going. Come on its your dear cousin's marriage" Rain squealed jumping like excited monkey.

" Hey stop squealing like pig " Tom grunted covering her mouth with his hand.

She bit into his hand which made him yelp.

" How dare you call me that you buffalo cousin" She said longing her hand to punch Tom again which never came because.......







" Oh honey am so sorry" Rain consoled Tim with her squeaky voice.

We cant help doubling over with our laugh on seeing Tim with ice pack on his jaw.

Before 15 minutes .....

  " How dare you call me that you buffalo cousin" She said longing her hand to punch Tom again.

At the same time Tim came in front of Tom unnoticed.

The blow which is supposed to break Tom's nose missed and that idiot Tim received her blow.

" Ahhhhh........What the hell rain!!!" Tim hollered clutching his bruising jaw.

We cant help but laugh at them.

" shut up" Tim said with his blazing eyes and Rain who is looking at him with guilty eyes.

With lot of efforts we controlled our laughter.

" Why the hell you stood in between us ..? Can't you see she is going to punch me you idiot" Tom said shaking head.

" Whatever..." Tim grunted massaging his jaw.

" Will it get okay soon?" Rain asked with concern.

" Oh honey it will.Look guys how caring she is!" Tim said looking at Rain with dreamy eyes.

"Wow!" We both chorused boringly.

" Well i dont want you to look ugly on wedding photos.It will be really embarrassing " Rain said in her dramatic voice which made Tim widen his eyes in shock.

Typical Rain.

We clutched our stomach laughing again. 

After the eventful evening me and Tom said good bye to everyone and returned to our jeep.

" We need some things for our plan" Tom said putting jeep in gear.

" Shopping then " I squealed mimicking rain which made us laugh again.

Well things getting interesting ....

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