Unknown 16

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William POV:

I woke up feeling more energized than before. Guess the reason.
Jennifer and her sweet lips. I sighed thinking about Last night.My sweet time puffed out with snoring sound of Tom. I sighed dragging myself towards bathroom to get ready for my college.
Tom got up after me getting ready as fast as he can because iam his ride and he knows I have every intention to leave him.
I paid some amount to Mike because I hate outside food so that he can cook for me and he accepted without any hesitation.

I march towards Jenn's home very excited in seeing her beautiful face. Just when I entered through Jenn came out. I tilted my head at her blushing face moving slowly towards just when she cross me I pulled her kissing again. She struggled against me but soon started to kiss me.
I released when my lungs needed air. I licked my lips still feeling that plumpy lips.She glared back pushing at my chest.

" You kissed me again." She said swatting at my chest.
I grabbed her wrist kissing her pulse.
" And you kissed me back. End of the story." I finished. She rolled her eyes dashing outside. I chuckled moving inside. Mike is already placing dishes on table. I greeted him sitting near Tom who is already stuffing his mouth. I kicked his leg before grabbing my plate loading it with delicious 🥞 pancakes and drizzling it with syrup.

" Thank you so much Mike." I thanked him before stuffing my face.

" Thats what you paid for. So Please enjoy it. " He said smiling fondly at me. He is really good man.
I nodded finishing my breakfast.

At college:

I parked my car at usual place joining my friends.

" Hello guys." I greeted plopping on nearby seat which serves as my throne.Well iam king here.
Nobody replied looking at each other then only noticed bruised face of my friend Richie.

" What happened?!" I asked looking around. Nobody answered looking at each other.

" Asshole beat him up." Ben answered shrugging.

" Explain." I gritted out making him sigh.

" At our concert in Xavier's College Richie met some girl and they dated after that. Yesterday Asshole Damien from that college came by and started to beat Richie . He warned to stay away from the girls of their territory because they are his." Ben finished looking away in guilt.

" And you guys watched him trash." I asked agitated at the guys audacity.

" We are not there while it happened." He said making other nod.

" It's okay Will leave it. I will avoid the girl. Don't go for fight please." Richie said placing his hand on my shoulder to calm me down.

" No Richie i can't stand by and watch my friend get beaten by some Asshole. If you both like each other to date then it's none of his business." I said patting his hand. No one touches my friends or family and remain unscathed.

" Richie and Ben come with me." I said signalling others to follow me.

I parked my car in Xavier's college getting out . I walked into the corridor with my friends following me.

" Richie show me that Asshole." He asked again to leave but iam having none of that.

He lead us to football court where group of guys fooling with each other.

" The guy in blue tshirt." Richie pointed .

I walked towards the guys patting his shoulder I asked him " Are you Damien Asshole who beat my friend Richie?!" I asked crossing my hand infront of me.
He looked behing looking at bruised Richie and smirked at me.

" What if I say yes?!" He said looking at me up and down.

I kicked his face instead of answering him. I pounced on him before he could and started battering his face.
His sidekicks started to pry me but my friends joined me. It's chaos. But my only Target is Damien.

It's not one side fight. I received some blows but not much as his.
Everyone started to gather around encouraging our fight which fuelled me further.

Damien punched me which made me to stagger and fall at someones foot. I slowly looked up realising it none other than Jennifer who is looking at me with puzzled look and then concern .

" William what are you doing here?! Are you okay?!" She asked looking at my already bruising face.

Ouch... I didn't know she is studying here.

" You bitch what are you talking to him?" Damien hissed at her which made Jenn flinch back.
And that's my last straw.I pulled his collar punching him breaking his nose.

" How dare you call her like that?!" I growled growing more furious just by thinking her scared face.

" William please stop. Its okay. You will get in trouble 😵‍💫. Stop please." Jenn pleaded . I turned towards her sighing. I pushed now battered Damien who fell on ground like boneless chicken.
I scoffed at him. What a wuss!!

" Guys stop." I said loudly. My friend came by side glaring at now battered group.

" Look here you scumbags. It's none of your business who likes who or who dates who and if I see or hear anything like this again count it as your last day." I spit at him grabbing Jenn dragging her away.

" Will he is really bad guy. He will do anything to get his revenge. Iam scared." She said frowning at me.

She cares for me. I smiled at the thought.

" It's okay Jenn I can take care of myself." I said kissing her forehead. I waved at her before getting out of her sight.

But I didn't know it's not me whom I should have cared but about her. That day I sealed her fate by my reckless act.

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