Unknown 2

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Jennifer up ☝️

I started to panic when i heard the voice of my father.

oh god i am dead.

" Damien what are you doing here? Its time.come on" my father said leading him to the lift.

I felt like i can breathe again.

i moved towards the stairs as fast as i could.

i descended the stairs sweating profusely.

i reached the main street hovering my finger signalling to stop the oncoming taxi.

"Airport please" I informed the driver.

I have already booked ticket for the place where my William is.

I am going to meet him there and explain everything.

He will understand.

Only thing is he haven't seen me or met me before.

But my friend Jennifer have seen him and gave him the bracelet with my name i asked her to give to him. Somehow we lost touch after college.

Yeah hers and mine name is Jennifer.

I reached the airport within half and hour and William's city in one hour.

But i dont know where he is.

How iam going find him.

I started to walk aimlessly looking around.

Suddenly I i felt dizzy.

I slide down on the nearby wall clutching my head.

"Hey what happened? Are you okay?" a unknown guy came near me and crouched down examining me.

"I---Iam o--okay i guess" i said still feeling dizzy.

" I dont think so.come on lets have some coffee maybe breakfast" he said lifting me.

I stumbled on standing.

"Whoa easy girl" he chuckled leading me to the nearby restaurant.

"Sorry" I said feeling disoriented slightly.He lead me towards a restaurant named ' Spicy Bites'.

We entered into the restaurant which is really welcoming.Not a harsh light set up but mild lights which felt so warm and so many delicious looking food stickers completes the look.

"This restaurant belongs to my friend William. Nice restaurant right. I am Tommy" he introduced with a cute smile. 

"Iam Jennifer" I introduced with a smile.He ordered some blueberry pancakes and a coffee for both of us. I started to eat when i suddenly stopped eating on recognising the name tommy mentioned.

"Did you say this restaurant belongs to William?" I asked with anxiety bubbling inside my stomach.

So What if's swirled inside my mind.

"Is he here now?" i asked looking around.May be he is here now.

"Yeah My friend he is.And yes he -----" he stood up waving to someone before finishing.

"Will hi!" Tom and the guy hugged and greeted each other.

Even though I saw only his backside .I have this hunch this could be him.My William.

I held my breathe anticipating what awaits next. Tommy looked at me suddenly remembering am here too.

"Hey Jenn this is William i said before" He said which made the guy turn around.

I felt my breathe hitch and cant believe what i had found.

God am I this lucky?!

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