Unknown 14

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William POV:

She is dead...

Flashback _ 4 years back


Everyone hollered my stage name empowering me. It's so addictive. I lead this concert every year in different colleges and now iam in Xavier's College.

" Hello everyone..." I roared in Mike making the crowd go crazy. Especially girls... I winked at them making them scream at me ... I know girls love me
I waved my hands and signalled Tom start the instrument 🎸.
After 2 hours it's over and iam dead tired. I can't even find my own voice.
Crowds goes crazy when I get down. Everyone surrounded me making no way to escape but to deal with them. I signed my fans left right left right. I can't disappoint them.

" William..." Some feminine voice called making me turn towards the girl but the power shut down making it difficult to see her.

" William I am your fan. I have read all your poetry book. They are so beautiful.." She said through crowd but it's difficult to see her in the dark and I felt the girl kiss me in cheeks dark .. Woah....

" What's your name?!" I asked trying to figure out her face.

" Jennifer" She said . The crowd goes rowdy in dark again making the chat more difficult to continue.
The power got on and finally I saw her near me . The crowd pressed us together making it very difficult to separate from her.

" Jennifer." I called looking at her innocent angelic face making my heart stutter.

" What?!" She asked looking at me quizzically .
Did she have amnesia or something.

" I am William. You said you are my fan. Did you forget already? " I asked pulling her wrist through crowd .

" Fan!!! " She asked blinking her innocent eyes . " Am sorry I got to go.." She rushed running away.

" Strange." I said finally escaping the crowd.

I started to pack my bags as I am going to another house as a paying guest. They are my friend's relative. My health started to deteriorate eating outside food so I asked my friend any home where I can stay as paying guest. Today iam going there. As My cousin Tom also studying in the same college he tagged along.

" Ready?! " I asked dragging my trolley along with my backpack. I settled everything in my car .

" Yeah wait I have put it in back." Tom grunted dragging his hefty bags towards the car's back.
I don't even want to know what the hell is in the bags . Even girls have lesser bags.

" Stop watching and start helping." He said struggling with the bags.

" And once again why should I do that?." I asked pretending to clean my nails.

" Asshole." He whispered throwing the last bag inside slamming the door

" Careful it's my car." I glared at the dickhead who cooed at my car saying next time he will make it harder.
I glared at him getting inside the car locking all doors from inside.

" Where is your wallet?" I asked . He pointed at dashboard. Well good.

"Do you got money on you?" I asked . He tilted his head shaking his head in confusion.

" That's good. Take your time. Until next time." I wished him throwing the address outside. I ignited my car driving away leaving Tom stunned.

He shouted running after my car fruitlessly.
For disrespecting my car. You dumbass.
I smirked when he flipped at me through rear mirror. It's 2 hour drive. Am I bad boy now... yes iam and I like it.

I stopped nearby cafe to get my lunch and started to drive towards the home.
After 2 hours I reached the home and checked the address confirming the home. I got out locking my car opening the house which is two storey building.

I knocked waiting outside.

" Who is that?!" A feminine voice asked making me turn around.
I looked at her with gaping mouth. She gasped with wide eyes.

" You!!!" She said pointing towards me. My smile turned to smirk on seeing the same girl from my concert.

" Jennifer!!! What are you doing here?! Are you stalking me?! " I asked getting near her.

" What?! It's my home.You are the one stalking me." She said backing away.

"I see. What a lucky day for me..." I said looking at her beautiful face.

" Yeah because I can't kill you today." I turned around seeing huffing puffing Tom with enraged red face.

" Who is he?! What do you want?!" She asked crossing her arm making me look at her chest. I gulped . It's so hot.
She coughed making me look at her face.

" You?!" I said smirking.

" What?!" She screeched making me flinch.

" I mean your home." I said giving my charming smile. Every girls love it.
But she just glared.

" My home is not for sale." She said trying to close the door.

" Wait ... I meant my friend Mathew said you have room for rent. " Her mouth set to O in realising me.

" Oh... Wait here." She said disappearing inside .
I sighed finally acknowledging my parasite.

" So Tom did you have nice journey?" I asked looking at his distressed state. He growled making me chuckle.

" Naughtyyyyy....." I cooed pinching his cheek. Sweat ewwww. I rubbed my finger on his shirt which is sweaty too...
He swatted my hand away throwing nasty glare at me. I rolled my eyes.

" Sorry boys...I cant receive soon. " Old man rushed towards me with Jennifer by his side who looked at me skeptically.

I winked at her when her father looked suspiciously at Tom. She gasped looking away with blush.Her father turned towards me.

" William?! Right?!" He confirmed. I nodded.

" Yes sir. It's nice to meet you." I said shaking his hand.

" I am Mike and She is my daughter Jennifer." He introduced.

" Hello." I waved but she still avoiding me like before.

" Don't mind her. She is little bit shy." Mike said turning towards Tom who is looking at Jennifer in flirting mode.
I clapped his shoulder making him wince.

" This is Tom. Unfortunately he is my cousin." I said. Tom growled at me .

Mike laughed at me. " Nice. Come on let's have lunch then I will show you the place." He said turning towards his home.
But iam too tired to have conversation now. Tom rushed behind scurrying Jennifer. I pulled him by his collar. He grunted swatting my hand away.

" Sorry sir.Iam really tired. If you don't mind we will talk tonight." I said in apologizing voice.

He nodded . " I understand.Here is the key." He handed me the key and showed the two storey next to his home which is attached to his home.

I thanked him. Looking at Jennifer who is looking at me through window.
I smirked waving at her. She closed the window like slap making me laugh.

I will get you later. I dragged Tom who is trying to glance at Jennifer away from her home. I unlocked the door entering really nice home. It gave my homey feeling which I liked so much. It's fully furnished too. No problem then.

I fell on sofa claiming it before Tom. He grumbled planting himself on floor snoring right away. I felt my eyes close in exhaustion. It's her face making me smile before closing my eyes surrendering to La la land.. 😴💤

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