Unknown 20

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William POV:

I finished saying everything which burdens my so much but it doesn't reduce the pain. Doesn't mend my broken heart.
Atleast from now no one will force me to marry and Jennifer will leave me for once.

" My father tried to sold me to the same one who killed my friend." Jennifer said who crying on knowing that her only true friend is no more.

" Oh my God!!! Don't worry dear. You can stay here as long as you wish." My mother said infuriating me.

" Mom don't give her any hope." I said leaving them and walking towards pub to drown my wounded heart with alcohol.
I prayed Jennifer will leave after my confession. Just by hearing her name make me stress.
My parents are so determined to marry Jennifer to me they asked her to live in our home itself which infuriating me further.

I confronted Jennifer more time even said I will provide money so that she can go far away and escape her father but she just shook her head leaving.

But a good news is one morning while watching news channel as usual they are telecasting about a accidents where two members crushed beyond recognition and those two are none other than Damien and Jennifer's father. I never saw someone so happy and relieved like Jennifer.
But it made me more difficult for me to ask her to leave as I have no reason for that.
She donated all the money and assests from her father to organization in need as she wants nothing her father earned. Thats so high of her and my parents bragged about her so much they even held party to celebrate it.
I sighed thinking about the situation which is slowly making me depressed enough I ended full time in pub drinking alcohol so much.
I wish I could die soon and join Jenn.

Jennifer POV:

I can't see Williams state . He is slowly becoming alcoholic which ended him rehabilitation one time. It's all because of me.
One day I visited him in rehabilitation centre.
I bought some flowers and went to visit him but when he saw me enter his room he turned away.
My heart flashed a pain on seeing his rejection.
I walked towards him replacing the flowers in vase.
I cleared throat making him turn towards me. He lost so much weight I can see his collarbone prominent.

I shook my head. It's all because of me. His parents pressure on him to marry me has turned him like this.

" Iam sorry I should have left. I know you still love her so much you refuse my love but do you think she wants you to live like this?! Does she wants you to be in this state?! I am not asking you to accept me. I want you to live your life like before I came. One day you will understand me. I will wait for that day until then I won't come before you but remember I will always there for you.She is dead you can't change that but what about your parents ?! Do they became so insignificant to you?! Please don't let them feel sad. Not everyone is lucky enough to have parents like yours. You taking them for granted. If it's me you can't stand then iam leaving. Please heal well and come back for them. It's the last time I will see you until you wants me. Good bye." I finished wiping my tears with my palm getting up.

I exited without turning back. I sobbed running out.

I will wait.

It's been 2 years after I left and I have been in contact with Tom to know about Wills whereabout.
He said he discharged after a month and adopted two children. A boy and a girl. And his parents accepted them as their own.
My phone rang with William as caller Id.
I smiled picking up the phone.

" Hello William. How are you?!" I asked .

" Fine. Restaurant is sizzling now and iam good." He said .

Yeah we are talking but as a friend. It's a small step and has long way to go but iam willing to wait as rays of hope is shining according to me.

I will wait until I conquer my


THE END ✨✨✨✨



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