Unknown 5

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" Well I will prove it to you" I said running towards the pool.

They started to shout me to stop.

I jumped into pool without thinking.

I started to drown and  flail my hands gasping for air.

I heard someone jumped by my side and grabbed my hair dragging me from water.

I closed my eyes pretending am unconscious.

" Jenn open your eyes come on" Tom said slapping my cheeks.

William stated to pump my stomach to get the excess water from my stomach which made me feel tickle.

I suppressed my laugh by biting my lips.

I groaned lightly informing them i am awake.

" Thank God" William said leaning on the nearby chair.

"Why the hell did you do that?" William shouted which made me flinch.

I started to sob to keep up my act.

Damn this is getting difficult.

" Well I believe her William.Because no one will do that just for act" Tom said to William.

After a second William nodded his head.

I smiled internally thinking about my success.

"Come on lets get you changed" Tom urged to get me up.

I wiped my eyes to keep up with my act.

After changing I went out and sat on the opposite to William and tommy.

"Look don't do like that again.I trust you.we will get you married to Timothy by any means" He said looking at tom for confirmation who nodded at him with determined face.

That all I need to get William to love me.

After some chit chat both of them left me to relax.

Well its time to think how to make William to love me.

With that thought I laid down on my bed closing my eyes.

I woke up on hearing the knock.

I got up rubbing my eyes.

"Jenn open the door its us" Tommy said knocking again.

I slide down my bed and moved towards door unlocking it.

My heart did this weird beating on seeing william.

"Good morning.we got you breakfast" Tom said moving inside.

William waved at me and moved aside.

I locked the door and went to fresh up.

After having shower i walked towards kitchen to pick up plates for us.

I sat down on sofa and handed them the plate.

" we ate " Tom said flipping through the channel .

William seemed busy  with his mobile .

I shrugged and started to eat.

William's phone started to ring , he excused himself to attend it.

I saw William frowned while speaking in phone.

I paused eating watching him.

He ended his phone and came towards us.

"Tom we gotta go" he said urging him.

"What----" tom started but william pulled him towards door.

"We will be back soon" He said closing the door.

I shrugged resuming to eat wondering.

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