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Walking out the door you stared at the small card in your hand, it was blinding white with a faded red lily on the back. Turning it over you see one word wrote in an ink that looked blood red 'Hello' was all it said.

"How on earth is this an invitation? There is no time or location, how do I even know when I am supposed to be there?"

Looking at the card more you realized as you ran your finger over that the word would smudge, now almost looking like a new word....'RUN'.

"Why does this dude need to be so creepy and cryptic? It's not like this is a well-known place *you pause* I think."

Shaking your head, you start to walk to the market to pick up a few household items before walking over to the gallery.

Walking into Mr. Kim's market you see that both him and Mr. Lee are working. You smile and nod to them both once they see you and make your way over to the instant noodles grabbing a few of them. Placing them into the hand basket you look back up and see Mr. Lee looking right at you with a worried look on his face. You ignore it and finish grabbing a few more items before walking to the counter and placing your basket on it.

"Good afternoon, Y/N. How have you been lately?"

"Hello Mr. Kim! I've been pretty good despite my workload. I think Christopher is finally letting me back out into field to write again."

"Oh, that's lovely dear" *He smiles brightly at you* "I know it hasn't been easy since..." Mr. Lee cuts him off by coughing.

You look over worried while trying to ignore the subject Mr. Kim was approaching.

"Mr. Lee are you okay? You seem pale and you're sweating."

Mr. Lee looked up and ran towards you, grabbing you by the wrist.

"Please, whatever you do stay away from that cursed place. It brings death and he will come for us all."

He lets go and collapses, while Mr. Kim runs over to help him up waving you off.

"His fever must have gone back up my apologies dear. He has been fighting this flu and now believes that the art gallery did it. You know how high fevers can be with fragile minds. I am sure he meant no harm by this."

You nod your head still shocked by what happened.

"It's okay I promise. I was just shocked because that is what my article is on tonight."

"Oh, it should be fun! I have not gotten a chance to go there yet but I am sure I will soon. You should head out now, I will take care of him. Also, I will put those on your tab so not to worry about money right now. Have a great time dear, be sure to take pictures for me."

He smiled brightly at you again making him almost look like a puppy. You smiled back and bowed to him waving as you exited the shop. Walking down the street you can't help but feel like someone is watching you. An unease settled in your stomach, and you walked faster to the front door of your house. Getting inside and locking the door quickly. Sighing, you knew it most likely was nerves from going tonight and the fact that Mr. Kim knew what happened.

"Well looks like I need to eat something and then head out?" You said almost question like to yourself.

Making your food and sitting on the couch, you pulled out your laptop to look and see if you could find anything on the art gallery. Without knowing the real name, it was difficult only being able to see the local gossip board. It talked about how no one could quite remember the art or even the man who ran it. They said he looked blurry and asked so many questions about the art that it seemed like even he didn't know what the paintings and structures meant. Not one person could recall how many works of art there were or even what the inside of the building looked like. The last posting was from another shop owner; he was younger at only around 17. . . but the strange thing was this posting said he passed away from the flu.

"I don't get why someone put this here, because it definitely belongs in the Lost & Beloved section. I will have to let Chris know so we can get that fixed. *You sighed* I guess I better head out even though I still don't know what time I need to be there." 


Grabbing your bag and walking out of the house again you start down the sidewalk walking past all the houses with smiling families in dining room, older couples drinking tea while watching the news, and even the single mother down the road finally getting home from work and being greeted by her children. You smile thinking of all the memories with your parents and all the fun you had as a child.

Finally walking up to the door of the old Seo building you saw the outside of the building had not changed. The old sign from the warehouse still hanging slightly to the side at risk of falling at any second. The door still rusted as the paint chipped off exposing the metal to the elements, with plants overgrown and ivy running up all the walls.

"Is Chris sure this is the place?"

Right then you hear a pop and glance over to see the door open. No light came out and no person was in sight either. Walking over to the door all you can see is a hallway dark as night with no sounds beside the drip of water from the rusted pipes.

"Oh, heck to the no! I am not going in there. I know some galleries do interactive exhibits, but this seems so out of place."

You start to walk away when you feel the card in your pocket becoming wet? Pulling it out you see there is a new word 'Welcome' in the same blood red ink as before. Dropping the card, you turn around. Looking back through the door you see only a thin line of blinding white light reaching out of the door and onto you almost looking as if you are split in half. Your mind is wondering what is casting it as almost as a magnet you take small steps forward into the hallway. Suddenly you stop that same feeling of eyes on you and the unrest of your dinner hits you hard. You spin around looking for anyone and see that you are past the threshold, when almost like a timer the door slams shut and locks sending a revibrating eco through the walls. With only the small light to follow you seem to have no choice but to tread deeper to find a way out. 

"Great it looks like I am freaking stuck in here now! Why did I say yes to this again?" You pause thinking of an answer. "Oh, that's right I can't say no to that lugnut, and my love of art concurs all!"

Walking to the end of the light you start feeling slightly dizzy almost like the whole building is spinning. Your vision starts to blur, and you feel like you are about to pass out. When out of nowhere you are blinded by lights, but before you can adjust you hear someone speak in an emotionless voice.

"Welcome to my gallery. Once we go over the rules your hour begins." 

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