The Man in the Mirror (Pt1)

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"You use a glass mirror to see your face; you use works of art to see your soul."

 – George Bernard Shaw 

He quickly walks over to you and grabs your hand the look of worry on his face.

"Ho-How did you get here.... You shouldn't be here."

"I woke up in a room and got called Mrs. Park. I am just as clueless as you Jimin."

"They took you with me." He runs his hand though his hair frustrated. "Listen to me..."


"My story is intertwined with two of my brothers. One doesn't know about it, and the other does. I knew about Namjoon dying and I work for his 'faceless' boss. I am his right-hand man that hides in the shadows carefully manipulating those around him for his safety."

You back away from him "What do you mean you knew Namjoon was going to die?"

"I knew okay! I always knew about the dealings of the other bosses in Seoul, but you must remember that in our past I had no clue that my now brothers were who they were. We are going to have dinner with our youngest brother now and his so-called wife."

"I am not going Jimin I can't even look at you." You turn away from him and start walking away back to the elevator.

"I can't allow that love... My timeline has changed, and you are now my wife, so we must play the part. Something is really wrong and until I figure it out you can not leave my side."

"I am not a pawn, and you know it Jimin!"

"I know I'm sorry. I never wanted you to see this, but the spirits have other plans.... I just hope he doesn't realize who you are."

You turn around and shove past him "If I have no choice then let's go"

He grabs your arm and spins you around to face him "I was blinded by the monster in my mirror don't hold this against me." He kneels on his left knee and opens the high slit in your dress. Reaching into his jacket he pulls a small handgun out and straps it to your thigh higher up and less visible to prying eyes.

"Do not use this unless you are in danger, okay?"

"Fine" Your words are short and cold to him.

"Thank you. Let's go, we have dinner plans. Just remember to play your part...."

He stands up and wraps his arm around your waist walking you out of the building and towards an all blacked out Audi r8. Opening your door for you and you sit down. He sighs closing the door and enters the driver's side, starting the car and heading to the restaurant.

Once you arrive the feeling of dread sets in as you see it is the same place that Namjoon took you too. Your face pales as the sounds of three gunshots ring in your ears. Jimin steps out of his car and walks over to your side opening your door and extending a hand for you to take. Stepping out you both walk through the double doors and come face to face with the same host as before.

"Goodnight Soobin. Is he here already?"

"Yes, sir he is." He pauses and looks at you "Have we meet before ma'am?"

You look down and don't reply forcing Jimin to speak for you.

"No, you haven't Soobin. This is my wife Y/N, but my apologies she is rather shy."

"Oh, my mistake Mr. Park.... It's lovely to meet you, Mrs. Park. I will take you to your table please follow me."

Jimin tightens his grip on your waist as you walk through the lobby heading to a far back room. Behind the door there is a single table with two others placed there. The female looks up scared at you both her face forcing a smile. She is dressed to the nines in flashy jewelry and clothing. The man with her stands up and walks over embracing Jimin in a hug. He looks over to you and his face goes blank looking back to Jimin he leans over and whispers in his ear only loud enough for him to hear.

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