The Boy and The Balcony (Part 2)

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Taehyung runs over to the men holding the boy and shoves one to the side causing him to stumble backwards. The young boy looks up at Taehyung and starts crying while he shuffles behind him.

"What gives you the right to hurt someone smaller than yourself!"

"That damn kid stole from us and now he must pay the cost!"

"That is not a good enough reason to hurt him! I will pay for the goods he took but I never what you to lay a hand on another child again!"

"You're kidding me right! I will do as a please you stupid child. You are probably the child of a bastered pirate and from what I can see nether him, nor his crew are here to help you!"

One of the men stood tall in front of the boys and raised his hand back balling his fist. Swinging it though the air he connected with Taehyung's face hitting him square in the jaw sending his head to the side. The boy did not move though and only stood his ground to the man showing he was not backing down. The man hit him again and again causing blood to run down from his busted lips and nose. His eye was starting to swell, and he was losing vision in his left eye now. The man kicked him in the side causing him to crumble to the ground in front of the small boy he was protecting. At this point the man's other two companions joined him and began to kick Taehyung from all sides sending blood out of his mouth to stain the stone below him. The small boy was backing away slowly from the group with no mind on helping the older boy fight back against his attackers. No one in the square helped ether as they only watched the men beat the younger man to the point of passing out. After they finally stopped Taehyung was now unconcuise on the ground with a small pool of blood under him. Backing away from the boy now the men started walking away as another man called out from behind the crowd.

"Leave my son alone!"

They all looked over. "Oh, dear it looks like this dumb kid was the spice trader's son. You should really teach your boy to stay out of others affairs Tae, he could have been killed."

"You all beat him to the brink of death anyway! He has never known anything other than the kind hearts of those around him. You are all scum compared to him and his heart!"

"Ohh save it Tae! Your son got what he deserved to be honest. Next time he should let the thief die because if not then he might not be as lucky the next time."

His father ran over and picked him up to carry him back to the boat. As they walked through the town no one dared to glance over at the two. They knew that they helped the men beat the young boy by standing by and watching and that the spice trader would no longer grace their port again. The blood from his son now stained his white ruffled dress shirt and tears ran down his face as he placed the boy on his bed below deck. The crew doctor ran into the room and asked the father to leave and let him work. As the doctor removed the boy's dirty blood-stained clothes he saw deep almost black markings on his torso, legs, and arms. He tended to the boy the best he could, but he knew that he would need to be cared for on land rather than on the boat. Wrapping him in bandages and giving the boy something for the pain, he left the room to look at the father who was leaning on the wall with his head in his hands.

"We must get him back to your house Sir. . . He won't last long if we cannot get a full doctor to look at him."

"I understand, thank you. Could you please let Leo know to set sail for home please."

"Yes Captain."

The man walked away ascending the stair to the deck. Once out of view the father opened his son's door and walked in. Seeing his son this way made him sick knowing that he never told or taught him of the nasty ways that men could hurt others for the own gain.

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