The Boxing Man (Part 3)

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-This whole chapter is Namjoon's POV-

Walking around his office the fear and worry starts to set in more and more. The thoughts of losing you again kills him and knowing if it were to happen, he couldn't inferior with the events to play out. His face pales and his palms get sweaty with a strong nausea settling at the bottom of his stomach. He reaches for the doorknob of his office and pulls the door open as he slowly drags his feet to the bottom of the stairs.

"Well, it's time to wake her up and leave. . ."

One by one he made his way up to his room knowing that seeing the pain behind your eyes would kill him. Ever since he could remember you were always happy with all the boys in the gallery. He was your protector, Hobi your best friend, Jimin your confidant, Taehyung your playmate, Yoongi your teacher, Jungkook your partner in crime, and Seokjin was your lover. Despite the years of torment you all went through together, you never failed to feel like a family. Nothing could have torn you all apart until the night you were forced away and given to the mortals as a 'gift' for the paintings the boys all now called home.

He opens the door to his room and quietly walks over to you shaking your shoulder to wake you up.

"Hey, it's time to get up. We need to leave soon."

He can see you have been crying but doesn't say anything, as you slowly open your eyes to look at him.

"What time is it Joonie?"

"It's 9 o'clock. . . I need to leave by 10 to be able to complete this job on time."

"Okay Joonie let me freshen up and we can go."

"No worries I still need to get the things together. Just meet me by the front door around 9:45 okay?"

"Can do!"

You get up and run off to the bathroom and all he can do is watch you. His timeline was never meant to have another person go with him tonight. He was supposed to die alone and then wake up to all the smiling faces of his brothers as one by one they complete their timeline reset. With a heavy heart he opens the door to his closet exposing the shining metal of the multiple gun barrels, silencers, and knives to the moonlight shining into the window. This was a side of himself no one saw, and he always wanted to keep it that way until tonight. You had to see him for the monster he was to fully understand why he would never let anything happen to you. He failed his family but would never fail you or the brothers he chose to love.

Changing into a pair of black slacks and white button up shirt he put his gun holster around his shoulders and slid his two favorite handguns into the holders under his arms. Tucking his shirt into his pants he slid his belt around his waist and clipped in the belt buckle that stored a small hand knife into it for a backup. To finish the look, he put on his dress shoes with black socks and grabbed his indigo blue suit jacket hanging it over his shoulder. He turns to the door to see you standing there with your eyes wide and mouth open.

"Dang Joonie you clean up well for a killer."

Your words hurt but he would never show it.

"Uh thanks? I guess the mafia has a direct set of looks so it's pretty frowned upon to wear my PJs to work."

"Well, you do look similar to the movies, so I guess they got one thing right about the real world" You laugh

"Yeah, I guess. You can go to H's room to get some new clothes. I think you guys are the same size, but please dress nice we are going to a high-end restaurant, and they won't let us in if you are in casual clothes."

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