Dreams & Reality

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Laughter fills the room as the smiling faces of your seven keepers look at you. Everything is as it should be and the gallery is calm for now. . . 

"You guys are to much when you all together you know that right?"

Namjoon laughs "We always will be little one!"

Jimin smiles "We are always going to be together so deal with it love!"

All eight of you were happy living as a family. There were no screams of pain or tears from sadness, even when the boys were goofing around seeing how hard each other could punch. Seokjin walks up to you wrapping his arms around your shoulders resting his chin on top of your head. He doesn't talk loud so that way the others can't hear him.

"They want to talk with you my spider lily. . ."

You turn around and hug him smiling. "I know. . . I'm just enjoying this moment."

As soon as you hug him you both feel the crushing weight of 6 other men bear hugging you both. The smiles and laughter are something that made you feel complete but most of all having Seokjin by your side to manage it all made your time here even better. You both were the Yin and Yang of the gallery one without the other would cause chaos and pain for those involved. Painfully slow they released you both from the hug and you look over to nod at Seokjin signaling your exit to the higher floor. Namjoon saw but knew to not say anything since you were the only link they had to the spirits that held them here.

"I will be back soon guys! Please do not break anything while I am gone." You look over to Namjoon "I am trusting you to help keep them in line."

Namjoon freezes and looks over to all others as they burst out laughing.

"Your leaving the god of destruction in charge?" Yoongi says in a laughing tone.

"Why yes I am my angry little kitty but we know who is really in charge." You look over and wink at Seokjin.

They all laugh again as a mist of red smoke envelops you sending you to the upper floor of the gallery. You look down and can see all the boys though the glass ceiling but the only person looking back at you is Seokjin. Only you two could see though the glass roof so that way the feeling of the void did not effect the others.

"You called for me?"

A faceless voice responds though the void to you. "Yes angel. You are leaving the gallery for a while."

"WHAT! I can't leave the boys here alone. Their cycles will restart and they haven't delt with their pasts in so long!"

"There is no need to raise you voice with me child."

You look at your feet "I'm sorry. . ."

"Now listen to me angel. You are leaving, because we have no other choice. The boys you care for can not step foot back with the mortals and we will not hand over Seokjin. He will watch over them while you are away."

"Without me there will be pain and suffering! Even Seokjin will suffer and you know this! What did I ever do to be forced out?"

"We made you to serve and be obedient. You have done that long enough here and it is time for you to go and play house with the mortals so that way we can work on helping the others."

"You are lying to me again. . . You never want to help me or them. You have only ever lived to keep us hidden away from spirits because you know what will happen if we are let out."

"Enough of this baseless talk you are to say goodbye and leave tonight angel."

"And if I say no?"

"You would leave us no choice but to have Seokjin force you out."

"You always make him do your dirty work so there is no surprise there."

"Watch how you speak to me angel!" The voice fades away

You drop to you knees as you start crying, your black tears hitting the glass roof sizzling as they disappear. Seokjin looks up at you as his face drops to one of sadness, but this time the boys see him and ask what is going on. He can't form words as he feels his face start to crack with black tears starting to run down his face. His tears are not hot like yours but ice cold as they freeze midair and shatter when they hit the ground. He drops to his knees same as you and the sound of porcelain breaking rings though the now quite gallery.

Namjoon bends down placing a hand on Jins shoulder. "Hyung what's wrong?"

"Sh-she's leaving us. . . It's time to reset again."

They all look at him in disbelief as one by one their paintings start to reappear on the walls and Jungkook's statue reforms behind his glass cage. Panic sets in as Jimin and Taehyung start crying, Yoongi and Jungkook's anger starts rising, Hobi and Namjoon remain as calm as possible but they know what is to come. Your red mist forms in front in Seokjin as you are now standing with your back turned to him facing the others.

"I have been told to say my goodbyes to you all. . ."

Yelling at you Yoongi talks. "Goodbye! What the fuck does that mean! You aren't going anywhere!"

"I have to leave Suga they left my no choice. . . " 

He starts walking up to you his legs becoming engulfed in flames as his anger starts to manifest. Namjoon moves in front of you shielding you from his heat as Jimin runs up to Yoongi grabbing him from behind.

Wincing in pain Jimin speaks "Yoongi stop this before you hurt her!"

Yoongi tries to shake him away still yelling "Get the fuck off me Jimin! I want answers and only those two can give them to me! We were fine before she went to speak with them but now we have to relive our trauma again! For how long this time Jimin. . . How many times do I have to die again!"

You feel Seokjin standing up behind you the sounds of his breaks screaming in your ears.

"STOP IT ALL OF YOU!" Seokjin yells out

Everything goes quite.

"We have to do as we are told or. . . None of us get to be a family anymore."

All the boys look at you.

"She is family to us Hyung. . . " Taehyung chokes out

"They can't just take my partner in crime away." Jungkook growls out

"I have no choice guys I'm sorry. . ."

You wake up in a cold sweat looking around the room and out of breath. You are still in Jimin's bed in the hotel and the realization of the dream hits you. That was not just a dream but the pain the set everything in motion. Your parents deaths, the town dying, you never feeling like you belonged with your friends, just everything you thought was real wasn't. The only thing you knew you could trust was the feeling that everyone knew you but you yourself. You needed answers and the only person who could tell you was Seokjin.

"I have to ask him. . ." 

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