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Jin finally lifts his head back up to look at Hoseok worry plastered behind his smile and red tears running down his face. The crack on his face has started to splinter running down his chin onto his neck. A black sludge like ink running down mixing with his tears as it stains the front of his white shirt.

Jin chokes on his words "She must go home."

A voice laced with anger and hate speaks. "Seokjin you of all people know we cannot let her leave now. I am free which means my power over you has returned. I must implore you to shut... your... mouth and learn your place."

The man from the statue walks up to Jin placing a hand on his shoulder pushing him down to the floor. Seokjin hits the floor with a loud thud and the cracking sound of glass. He braced himself with his arms sitting back up to knees looking up at the 5 figures in front of him, while Hoseok is still standing behind them holding you. He looks at his arms to see more cracks forming on his arms. Jungkook bends down grabbing onto Jins chin forcing his head upwards to look at him. The others take a step forward to stop him but before they can he speaks again.

"You are supposed to be the oldest, but you are the weakest of us all. Even Taehyung and Hoseok are stronger than you. You do not realize the power they hold over you and we will no longer sit back while you allow us to wither away in our prisons. She is our key and I intend on keeping her with me so unless you are with us then I ask that you leave while I still let you."

Seokjins eyes go wide as he realizes what the youngest is implying. He is shaking now the sounds of his cracks scraping like nails on glass. He looks around at the faces of his 'friends' to see only anger and pain.

"I cannot allow you do that Kookie."

He places his trembling hand around Jungkook's wrist removing his hand from his face and starts to stand up. Seokjins shirt now is a mix of red and black. He is smiling and looks the youngest right in the eyes speaking his tone is now soft and powerful.

"I command you all to return to your paintings right now. You have done enough tonight, and your cycles are being restarted."

The boy from the balcony speaks with a raised voice and has tears running down his face. "No please no! You cant do that to us Jin we were almost out!"

Seokjin looks over at him and smiles again. He walks over and places a hand on the boy's face making his body start to dissolve back into his painting. His screams can still be heard until he is finally sitting back in his original place but now the bright happy side of his face has been overtaken by darkness.

The boxing man looks at Jin then turns around to look at his slab that is now missing the figure that was in the middle. "You know we will overcome this at some point. Our birth was of pain and madness that you share with the spirits. I hope you find peace Kim Seokjin because you have damned us all if she leaves." His voice was calm and collected. The boxer closed his eyes for he knew what was instore for him. Jin walks up to him next placing a hand on his shoulder turning the man into a mix of dirt and stone before he takes his fighting stance once again but this time his eyes weren't open anymore. 

Jin then turns around to face the man from the mirror who was still hiding the bound man behind his back. They both slowly start to back away as the man for the mirror speaks. "Jin listen to me. . . You know we do not want harm to come to her. Yes, we may play with them, but you know damn well that it is in our nature. I will not go behind your back again, I promise! I just wanted to help you. . . to help us. I cannot go back there again." His voice is shaky, and he looks petrified with skin as pale as snow. Jin slowly walks up to him pushing him to the side coming face to face with the bound man.

"Seokjin, I swore you will burn when you found me back then..."

Before he can finish Jin places a hand on the top of his head. "I know Yoongi." As soon as he spoke the man burst into a ball of flames as he screamed in pain. He slowly started to fade away as his tree stump started to crackle and burn worse than it was before, more ashes piling up below it. The man from the mirror started to run over to him but before he could reach him Jin put his hand out to stop him. While he stopped him, he made contact with his chest. "Jimin don't get caught in the crossfire, it's not very smart. You can't shield him forever." Jimin looked at Jin with fear and pain in his eyes as ghastly hands grabbed onto his arms starting to drag him backwards. He started screaming out to Jin for help and pleading with him for mercy. Finally, Jimin's back slammed into his glass, and he was sucked back into it as the blindfold was placed back onto his face. 

He then turned to the back of the room to look at the three of you. "Hoseok please go stand painting. I will allow you to go last." Hoseok nods to Jin and walks over to stand in front of his painting while still holding you in his arms. Jin looks directly at Jungkook as the younger starts to back away. "Now Kookie are you going to leave peacefully or do you need to be reminded how painful it is to lose us again."

"Jin you are going to kill us over time anyway so why not put up a fight. My statue is fractured so you know you can't send me back!" As he backs up further his back meets the glass wall that became his invisible cage his voice now overfilled with hate. "You are worthless Jin! You can't help but bend to them . . . and for what a chance to finally feel like you have control! Well news flash you DONT! You know she can help us, but you are blinded by spirits that bind all of us here."

"I have had enough of your mouth Kookie. You are a child trying to play the games of men. . . You will never understand why things happen. I have done nothing but shield you all from them but no matter how many times I say it you can never understand that I am just as much caged as you all. Be thankful you aren't even more dead than you are because if that is what you want the spirits would bless it before I can stop them. So, stop with the innocence and listen for once in your pathetic life."

As Jin finishes speaking Jungkook lunges at him grabbing onto his arm. A loud snap rings though the gallery followed by the sound of glass hitting the floor. Hoseok sets you down to lean on the wall under his painting and walks over to the youngest. Looking down he sees Seokjins arm that was severed at the elbow lying on the floor, with the broken end looking like that of a porcelain doll. All the while Jin stumbles backwards with black ink pooling on the floor under him. Hoseok walks over to Jungkook and places a hand on his face. You can see the younger take a deep breath before falling to the floor asleep. Jin looks up at Hoseok with his face cracking more and more as time goes on.

"I need to send you all back and reset the cycle. . . before I" He pauses and looks down at his arm. "Before I crumble fully. . . I am truly sorry Hobi."

Jin walks over and kneels in front of Jungkook placing a hand on his arm. His body slides back and melts through the glass. He is dragged under his statue and slowly his body starts to turn to a liquid glass being pulled up into the swing becoming one with it.

"I can't fix him until the reset so that will have to do for now. He will be stuck in darkness, but it will give him time to calm down again."

The glass wall starts to reform, turning a bright red like glass melting. The cracking sounds start again as Jin turns to face Hoseok who is now standing in front of his painting looking down on you. "Hobi, I don't have much time I need to send you back now or we will never reset." Jins cheek is gone now just a hollow hole and his left eye is about to crumble to. He limps over to Hoseok and bends down to pick up his fallen diamond headed nail. He takes his hand holding the nail and sticks it through the hole in Hoseok's chest placing it back where it belongs in the painting. The man starts to become a colorful liquid following onto Jins arm and back onto his painting taking form once again but this time colorful neon tears are running down his face. Jin looks down at you before he loses control of his legs and collapses in front of you. He places a hand on your ankle, and you fall backwards into the wall in the same way you entered is also the way you leave. Once your body leaves Seokjins body starts to turn to dust dancing around the room and around all the paintings.

The room goes dark, and everything is back in its place like before.

Everything was back to normal for now. . . 

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