Oil Paint

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You look in front of you to see a beautiful painting of a man on a mirror. Even from afar his details are defined and you feel drawn to him. The brush strokes are clean and smooth with what seems like a glazed over finish that shines in the light. You can see yourself standing next to him almost looking over his shoulder like you are gazing upon someone though a window from the outside. There is also a dark brown walnut frame resting on the bottom like it was holding it up. You walk up to his glass pillar the smell of peppermint and citrus grew faint and the feeling of someone behind you faded but you look down and read.

Name: The prince blinded by vanity.

*This piece was made October 13th, 1995

* It will show you how no matter where you run you can never escape the reflection you see and the ghosts that stand behind you.

Medium: Oil Paint

Base: Mirror Glass


"What does that mean. . . The ghosts behind you? He is a level 5, so I think it is okay to get closer right?"

Walking closer to him you see he is wearing a dark blue velvet jacket of which the texture you feel like you could reach out and touch it. Under it is a simple black tank top that looks like it flows with every movement. Around his neck is a black and red scarf like choker with a red v pattern going across it. It looks a little too tight like it could be cutting off his air, but the folds and ripples in it seem to create areas to inhale. Looking at his face you can see his round face with puffy checks and a jaw line that could cut the glass he is on. His lips are full and pouty with a heart shaped cupids bow a small smile curling the corners of his mouth. His nose is slimmer at the top while it slightly flares out at the bottom adding to the roundness of his face. The only thing you cannot see are his eyes. . . They are covered by a velvet-looking black blindfold. "Why is he blinded?" His hair is a darker grey color while his eyebrows are dark brown. His skin is flawless, like all the layers of paint created a deep imperfection free surface. You are staring at him for what feels like hours when suddenly you hear the voice again.

"Look behind the mirror. . ."

You look around again being pulled from your trance, only to see no one around you again. You feel fear and judgement creeping up your back throat like you want to scream but no air can escape your lungs. Taking a step forward you inch closer to him almost face to face with the blind folded man. Turning you walk around the left side of the painting to see what looks like another image on the back. This one is darker and feels emptier and more haunting than the front side.

"Why would they put a picture behind the other if it was meant to be on a wall?" 

Getting to the center of the glass you finally realize you were looking at a two-way mirror. Looking through the glass you can see the rest of the gallery, the boy on his balcony and the boxing man. You see the back of the man's head now, but his suit is torn and tattered exposing his back with no tank top. He has a moon tattoo going down his spine adorned with cuts and bruises all over. From what you can see his hand is crossing over his face in a defensive position hiding his eyes. You can no longer see the blindfold on him as well. There are faint outlines of people with no faces in front of him. They are blurry and hidden with one that is closer to him looking over his shoulder right at the viewer, but with this one you can see its eyes. They are a faded white and hollow looking like all the life has drained from them. The feeling of fear is almost crippling at this point, and it is getting harder to breathe like the feeling of a panic attack. You drop to your knees trying to regain your composer and after a short time manage to crawl away from the painting.

The Gallery (-BTS-)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon