The Man in the Mirror (Pt2)

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Jimin let out a breath; he had no idea he was holding in. His whole world felt like it stopped when he saw you earlier, and he knew that something was wrong. . . very wrong. As he walked down the hall returning to the elevator the click of his Louis Vuitton dress shoes made every bone in his body heavy. He was supposed to be a demon to the outside world but right now the panic on his face showed him as nothing but human.

"How the fuck is she here!" He whispered to himself as he ran his hand though his hair

He entered the elevator and hit the letter P for the parking garage because all he needed now was his bike and answers. Extending his leg, he swings it over the side and puts the key in it, the ignition making it roar to life. The only good thing about his timeline was this, the freedom of riding on his bike and knowing that by the end of the night he would be dead and back with his brothers. He knew the exact time of death was 5am on the dot and never a minute over.

"I need to talk to him before this mission. . . I swear if Kook doesn't have any answers I am killing him myself."

As he pulled out of the garage and sped off without a care for laws or stoplights. The world rushed past him in a blur as he pulled up Infront of a large villa that was guarded to the nines. As he walked up to the men at the gates, he pulled down his mask showing his face.

"I need to speak to Golden."

"Yes, Sir Shadow let me open the gate."

"Thanks" he said coldly as he walked past the men.

To say they were scared was an understatement, since they all heard the stories of the Shadow of Golden. He was known as Shadow but also went by the name Goldens Angel. Everyone he encountered feared him to the point that in this timeline he had no one except Jungkook and now you. He pushed open the doors to the villa only to be met with a gunshot ringing out in his left ear as a bullet hit the door closing behind him.

"Announce yourself next time or I will really kill you."

"Nice to see you to Kookie."

"It's not very nice when you bring our girl into that room!" Jungkook yelled at him

"It's not like I had a choice! Remember your place kid before I take that lip ring out by force!"

"I know I know! I am only in the 'boss' role because you placed me here! Trust me you remind me enough!"

"Chill Kook we don't fight like this at home so there is no need here."

"Then what the fuck happened in there Jimin! Huh explain that to me before I call that liar here and kill him myself!"

"You can't kill Jin and you know it, Kook."

"I can fucking try that's for sure." 

"Quit feeling sorry for yourself and get over it. What's done is done got it, nothing we can do now but figure out why she was placed as my wife of all things."

Jungkook laughs "Man Seokjin's going to kill you if you touch her."

"Don't I know it, Kook." He chuckles

"So who has she seen so far just Namjoon and Taehyung right?"

"Yeah, she will she me then Yoongi is next but why. . . They grabbed her and pulled her with me she didn't go to her mortal home like last time." Jimin sighs running a hand though his hair.

"Maybe the sprits are tired of waiting so they sent her by force?" Jungkook questions

"No, they wouldn't do that since Seokjin took control. . . There is something we are missing."

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