Stone & Dirt

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He smiles brightly at you showing his dimples and walks to the edge of the ring looking at you.

"Uh I am a boxing man, *He laughs* but I am unsure if I am who you are looking for."

You stand up and look at him tilting your head to the side questioningly. You bring your hands up to your head as another wave of headaches hit you sending you back down to your knees. Seeing you drop down he jumps over the ropes of the boxing ring and runs over to you placing his hands on your shoulders.

"Hey! Are you alright ma'am?"

"No. . . no I am not alright. I don't understand what is happening."

"Well, you showed up here randomly and I think you may be looking for someone, but I am the only person here right now. It is pretty late though, and I could have sworn I locked the front door. . ."

You look up at him and tilt your head again and smile though the pain in your head.

"I think I may just need some rest. . . I am truly sorry for intruding I will head home now."

"No, you are fine ma'am!" He places his hand on your head and smiles again. "I just don't get a lot of visitors right now since I closed the gym."


"Yes, for personal reasons I had to close my gym down." He becomes quiet and lowers his head.

"Oh, I see. So, you no longer box?"

"I wouldn't say I no longer do it, but I just don't box here."

"I'm sorry it must suck losing this place you seem like you enjoy it."

"I do but like I said for personal reasons I had to close it, but you have no need to worry about that. Oh, by the way what is your name?"

"Y/N L/N. . ."

"Well ma'am my name is Kim Namjoon it is a pleasure to meet you. I have a feeling like we have spoken before, but I can't remember."

"It's okay I am easily a forgotten face most days."

"I don't see how anyone could forget you! You seem very nice and not to say beautiful as well."

You smile at him. "Thank you! You aren't half bad yourself." You laugh and push his shoulder making him fall back onto his butt. He laughs with you and stands up extending his hand out to you.

"I have an extra room above the gym if you need to rest."

"That would be lovely thank you Namjoon."

As you start walking to a set of stairs placed at the back of the gym you feel much more at peace with him like he was always a strong protective force for you. He is the tallest out of all the men from the gallery standing at around 5'11" (181 cm). His face is round but with a chin that comes down into a slight v shape. He has full cheeks that puff out when he speaks and a smile that feels warm with large dimples on both sides. His eyes are chocolate brown with small flecks of lighter brown sprinkled in. You can see bruising on his face from fighting and his nose is slightly smushed in from being broken before. His hair is a short brownish blond that is shaved on the sides to keep it out of his face. His body is huge and well-built as you can see his muscle definition through the plain white tee he has on. He is wearing baggy gray sweatpants with all black converse on. His hands are wrapped in bandages that are stained a dark red from his bloody knuckles.

"Hey I can't help but notice. . . Are your hands, okay?"

"Oh this *he laughs* Yeah I am fine I just hit the bag a little too hard this time no need to worry."

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