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3. . . 3 shots.

Each one making your heart skip a beat. It felt like time had stopped as you were frozen in a place huddled into the wall of the stall. Deep down you knew that at least one of those shots was Namjoon dying. He was alone in this world, and no one seemed to care for the value of human life. Besides Hali, everyone you talked with in his timeline was a monster that meant harm to others.

For what felt like forever you open your eyes to see you are still stuck in the bathroom. Once he was gone you were supposed to be able to leave but there was no light from the gallery and no Seokjin coming to take you away. You stand up and click open the lock to the bathroom stall looking around to make sure you are still alone. Hearing a faint knock on the door you slowly make your way over and put your ear to it, fearful to speak.

"Dear girl . . . I need you to step out here"

This was not Namjoon's voice. . . This was the voice of the monster you came face to face with just minutes ago.

"Please leave me alone. . . "

"I can't just leave a helpless lady alone in this huge building now can I. I think you might need a way home and I would be more than welcoming to take you. . . home."

"I- I am okay. . . Joonie will be back soon, and he will take me home."

"Ohhh my dear. I am saddened to inform you that he has taken his last breath."

You drop down to your knees and fall backwards as you move away from the door. As you are backing away hear loud thuds on the door like someone is kicking it. The thuds become more aggressive as the door starts to splinter and cave in. On the final kick the door breaks open flying into the wall next to it the sound making you start crying.

"Just leave me alone! I didn't see anything I promise!"

"It's not the fact of seeing my dear. . ." The man walks over to you crouching down to meet eye level with you. "It is the fact that you heard two people die tonight and the boss would very much love to meet you." 

Suddenly a black mist forms behind the man and a hand reaches out grabbing him by the collar throwing him backwards. As the mist dissipates you see a man that has bright silver hair that glows under the florescent lights of the bathroom. He is wearing a blue velvet jacket with black slacks and a red scarf peaking over the top of his collar. You cannot see his face, but the smell of peppermint and citrus hit your nose the familiar smell of a man you have seen before. His voice is soft, but you can hear the anger building behind it.

"I would really love if you did not touch my girl sir."

"Wh-who are you?" Namjoon's uncle held the back of his head as blood started to run down his forehead.

"Who I am is none of your business! I am taking her with me and your small. . . worthless. . . child of a boss can shove it. I have come to know him as a brother, but he cannot control his emotions and drags you all to your death one by one!" The man steps over to the other taking the heel of his shoe slamming it into the right shoulder of the man on the ground.

Namjoon's uncle screams out in pain as you watch in fear of the man you see before you.

"You are just as worthless as he is! You sold your nephew's soul to the devil just so that way you can gain more power. Power is given to those who look in the mirror and realize they are weak and pitiful, but you can't see yourself as anything less of a god. Which is wrong. . . You are a worm that is meant to die in the dirt or smashed under my shoe!"

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