The Shadow

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He looks at her sleeping peacefully as her chest rises and falls with each breath. He wishes to reach out and touch her to move her hair from her face but knows this is not his story so he cannot interact unless provoked. Walking across the room he fades through the door ending up in the hallway. To most people he was just a ghost or figment of their mind as it played tricks before falling asleep, but he wasn't. He was way more than that. . . He was the glue that held together the fragile minds of the 6 he called friends. Fading through door to the right of yours he can see two male figures talking on the balcony. One being the second youngest Kim Taehyung and the other being the fourth oldest Kim Namjoon. Walking closer he listens to what they are saying.

"She wasn't supposed to be here Hyung. . . We reset but I know this isn't the right time frame something bad happened and I couldn't reset." He starts crying "I don't want to die again. . ."

"I don't know what happened but if I could assume anything. . . She is our key to leaving finally. I know Jin will show his face sooner or later so until then we must wait. I know you are a strong little bro! You can overcome this I promise just remember if you need to get out all you must do is jump."

"It hurts Hyung. . . I can feel the bones crunch each time despite them not breaking anymore. We have gone through this for years but each time we reset I can't help but fight. . . Why don't you fight him anymore? I mean that one time your tore his head clean off." The boy giggles at his own words.

Namjoon laughs at the boy. "We said that wouldn't be held against me even if it was pretty funny. I must go now Tae; you know I can only see you before I fully reset. That's the only plus of being at a higher level I guess. . . even if the pain is worse. I will try and break out again to help you but for now I need you to help her. Even tell her your story. . . Who knows maybe telling someone other than myself will help you."

Taehyung gives Namjoon a huge hug before the older man fades away in a cloud of stone dust. Seokjin can see the boy drop down to his knees with tears streaming down his face as he balls his fists and starts punching the ground leaving his knuckles bloody. The boy is broken in both his body and mind. . . He wishes he could help him but the overseers won't allow it. The boy gets up and walks out of his room to who knows where unable to see that Seokjin was standing right in front of him. Walking away from the boy's door he steps onto the balcony and steps over the edge free falling, but before hitting the ground he waves his hand opening a set of white double doors that lead into the black void. After falling through, he then lands feet first onto the glass roof of the gallery. Like looking through glass, he can see everything is back in place, but the art pieces are more damaged than before.

"We don't have much time left do we. . ." 

He looks at the four walls of the gallery to see pathways leading out from behind each piece. A normal human would not be able to see the doorways, but he knew if you looked hard enough you could find them. . . all of them. None of the others knew how Jin ended up at the gallery but that was a story for another time. Over time he was able to collect and save these boys he held dear. None of them realized he was a part of their story throughout life, but he was always there. Ether in the background or hands on to help push them into the suffering the spirits wanted them to feel. He knew their pain and heartbreak and desperately wished to heal them even if they wouldn't allow it. That's why he picked each of them carefully, because he couldn't complete his family without them.

Seokjin felt a cool breeze behind him and knew it was time to fix the youngest's statue. Fading into the glass over the boy he came face to face with the cracked marble that leaked ink and blood just like himself when he cracked. He placed a hand on the glass swing and felt it heat up as he pulled the boy back out and laid him onto the floor still fast asleep. He turned to look at the statue placing a hand over the largest crack on its cheek. The crack glowed white as it started to heal and reseal the bond, he had placed all those years ago.

"I am still sorry Kookie. . . Maybe you were right, and I am weak, but I cannot and will not let any more harm fall on you all."

He picked up the boy's body and faded it back into his place hearing the statue move to reshape to fit the boy again. Once he was done, he walked through the thick glass wall, that held him back and now stood in the middle of the gallery looking around at the others. Hoseok was even sadder than before, Namjoon was colder, Taehyung was no longer halfway happy, Jimin was terrified, and Yoongi looked as if he was ready to burn the whole world. The youngest though was still swinging peacefully like he knew of what was to come when Seokjin remembered his words. . . .

'She is our key and I intend on keeping her with me so unless you are with us then I ask that you leave while I still let you.'

"What did he mean by that?"

Shrugging he walks over to the second youngest's painting fading into the wall behind it. Walking through his hallway Jin could feel the cool sea breeze on his face and the smell of grasslands mixed with fire. It was calming in the beginning but over the years he learned what was behind the crashing waves and tears.

"Well, Tae it's time to figure out why your reset drug her in with you and didn't restart. . ."

He turns back into the shadow before entering the house again unnoticed. Slipping back into your room he stands on your bedside watching you sleep peacefully. You were completely unaware of him and the nightmare that plagued him, to the point he wished for death most days. Seokjin was the oldest of the 7 men you faced that night so he felt it was his job to care for the others like he would be caring for you. He didn't know why he could not manifest himself yet though. . . normally he could show himself to the others even when they were in their worlds. He was a ghost in a way, just a shadow in the corner of the eye that someone would not glance twice at.

"Sleep well my lily for the coming nights might be the worst of your life."

The Gallery (-BTS-)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن