Colored Pencil

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You slowly stand up and attempt to regain your balance, your head still spinning slightly. Hearing the same sound of a stone hitting glass you turn around to the left to face the back wall again when out of the corner of your eye you see a large piece of diamond shaped paper. It looks stuck to the wall, so you slowly walk past the boxing man to stand in front of the next pillar.

"This one look so different from the rest. . . I feel like I can breathe again."

Once looking at the painting you can see he is so bright and inviting. The feeling of despair, and sickness slowly leaving your body. As you gaze upon him it feels like the sun hitting your face and warming you like soup on a cold winter day. A slight tinge of sadness hits when you see this one is nailed to the wall so tight the corners of the paper are warped and slightly torn. You look down at the pillar in front of you to read.

Name: The prince who can touch the sun.

*This piece was made February 18th, 1994

* It will show you how the trust and hope of oneself and others can push you so far that you will lose all you love for the one chance to find family.

Medium: Color Pencils & Watercolors

Base: Watercolor Paper


"So, a level one finally! No wonder this pillar is so close to the art. If I stood any closer, I could touch my nose to it." You laugh and look at the painting.

The colors are so bright and vivid it looks like this one could have been painted yesterday. The outline and the man look to be done in color pencil, while the background is a splattered mess of bright neon watercolors that make him pop off the page. He is dressed in an all-black suit that hugs his body showing all the curves and lines of him. The jacket looks like it could be made of glitter as the white highlights make it shine. His body proportions look like a dancer with strong legs and well-built core to help with breathing control. As you scan his body you can see a diamond shining on the head of a nail stuck right into where his heart would be. You look up to his face next and see a neutral expression on it like he is trying to not feel. His jaw is well defined and looks like he could be clinching it, making his cheek bones really pop. His nose is wider running down his face causing it to be slightly turned up at the end. His upper lip is on the thinner side with a very defined cupids bow, while his bottom lip is larger forming a pout like look. His eyes are smaller and he is looking down causing his eyes to look darker almost lifeless. His hair is the brightest thing on him, being a burnt orange color and styled into a messier shag cut parted slightly to the side.

You reach out your hand to place it over the nail on his heart having the strong feeling to grab the man in the painting and hug him. The bright feeling was still there but also a sense of longing like he was searching for something. 

~Seokjin's POV~

He looks down at her longing to help but knows that his favorite piece can calm even the worst minds and hearts. At this point in walking around he is standing right over her now. Her hair is beautiful and face like it could have been sculpted by the spirits themselves.

"I don't know how we found you but. . . I hope you can withstand the youngest of us."

His voice was laced with sadness and barely over a whisper. He wanted to pull you away from the gallery but knew he had no real control over most of them since he could not walk around without permission first. Even something as simple as moving the gallery around always went to a vote. How they ended up in the rundown town was still unknown but after seeing your face he could start understanding slightly.

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