Who are you?

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You slam the card down on the counter and yell out.

"I don't understand this! You all left me and now you want me to come back!"

You hold your head as you are hit with fuzzy memories of you walking though the gallery holding the hand of a taller male, but you can see only his mouth as it moves but no words come out. You reach another group of males, but these faces you can see. They are all the men from that night with one you don't remember seeing. Snapping out of the memory you shake your head and walk into your kitchen to grab some medicine to take for the pain that is throbbing in the back of your head. You grab a glass of water and take the medicine, feeling a cold chill run up your spine. You turn to walk back upstairs to your room but as you do you look down the hall seeing a shadow pass by you. Like you can't control your own body you start to follow it. 

As you walk around your house you feel like someone is watching you again. This feeling is only around when you are alone, like someone wants to speak but can't be seen. While walking you start to look at the paintings your late mother left behind. They are calm and hopeful at the start but as you delve deeper into the halls of your home, they seem to get darker and darker. You stand in front of her art room; one you have not been in since her passing. You put your hands on the bronze doorknobs, slightly shaking. They remind you of the ones from Taehyung's house in the painting. . .

"Ohh come on get it together girl. She would want you to use the room so why not look around maybe there will be some answers."

You take a deep breath and push open the wooden double doors showing a room filled with sunlight and dust. The walls are painted a deep maroon with the baseboards and crown molding are colored black. The colors created such a dark space at night that it scared you as a child but with the sunlight it made it warm and inviting. There are paintings and sculptors everywhere, some are completed, and some aren't. As you look around you see some slightly familiar materials used for large pieces that you remember your mom gifting to someone the day before your birthday. She said he was a priceless art buyer but due to the nature of the pieces she made that they were his to take. As you look more you can see some canvases are unfinished but one in the back corner catches your eye. This one is of a man that looks oddly like the curator the first night you met him. Wearing the same black suit with gems that shined bright from the careful highlights placed on them. His blond hair flowing back like it was in the wind showing more of his doll-like face. Compared to the human version he looked perfect and untouched.

"Did she mean to give this to him?" 

As you get closer to his painting the air starts to grow colder and you start to see your own breath. It looks as if he is walking towards you and extending his arm for you to take his hand. You squat down and run your fingers over his face when as of a sudden he starts smiling. You fall backwards onto your butt and start to back away but before getting too far you run into a pair of legs. A male speaks behind you, and you realize it is the voice of the man you never saw that night everything went to heck in a handbag.

"Hello my dear."

You stand up quickly and spin around to face him seeing he is just a young boy looking no more than 18 years old. His eyes are pitch black and demon-like with a large bunny tooth smile on his face. His hair is a caramel brown with lighter brown highlights that falls to slightly cover his eyebrows. His chin is perfectly chiseled with full cheeks. He looks pale like the marble his statue is made of with full red lips that form a slight pout. He is wearing a black suit jacket and pants that have very faint red lines running along them. His red button-up shirt underneath the jacket isn't fully buttoned exposing the top half of his chest. His hands are covered in silver rings that are stacked.

"How did you get in my house?"

He reaches up and cups your cheek running his thumb along your jaw.

"Oh, my dear I have been here all along. You just failed to see me."

"What do you mean you couldn't have been here while Chris was, I would have known!"

"My my my you really can't feel us then huh. . . guess Yoongi Hyung was right. I am not the only one here my dear." He removed his hand and tapped the middle of your chest. "We. Are. All. Here."

You start backing away from him running into the painting of the curator.

"Your lying! I don't even know who you are. . ."

"Yes, you do." He steps forward getting closer to you. "You just have to remember us just like Seokjin said."

"I don't know what he meant. I have always lived here in this house with my parents. Chris was my childhood friend. . . We played. . . with. . ."

He steps closer again grabbing you by the chin making you look up at him.

"See everything's slightly hazy right? You can't remember anything between the time you were six years old and your sixteenth birthday, right?"

"N-no I can't. . . Why can't I remember."

"Because you are one of us my dear, you always have been. You are not meant to be here at all, because truthfully you are killing this town."

"But how. . . "

"That you must remember on your own unless he wants to help you out. You two were always attached at the hip anyways." He rolls his eyes at his comment.

"Wait who are you talking about?"

"No other than our beloved Kim Seokjin of course!" 

"I still don't understand this at all!"

"You won't until you remind us of our past love and loss. Our pain and suffering made you and once we remember then so will you."

"I hate all this cryptic stuff just tell me!"

"That I can not do my dear. . . Well speak of the devil. . . He's here for you."

"Who I--"

The front door opens and the man in front of you disappears in a black mist. You can hear two sets of footsteps approaching the door as they slam open showing no one standing there. You can see two shadows out of the corner of your eye, one is slightly larger than the other. You turn your head to no longer see them there and you feel a tap on your shoulder behind you. Spinning back around to face the painting you see Seokjins hand reaching out of it for you to take as he has a huge smile on his face. You sigh and take his hand as he pulls you into the void holding you in his arms.

"You must come home. . ." He says sadly

"I was at home."

"Not your mortal home that she built to hide you. I think it is time for you to help them my lily. My powers are weak, and I can no longer hold them back for long."

"What are you talking about Seokjin?"

"You will see in due time. . ." He places his hand on your cheek. "My beautiful, sweet spider lily. . ."

Before you can speak, he lets you go, and you drop through the void as his figure disappears from view. As you fall you are able to spin around to look down seeing the same stone slab the fighting man was on.

"Oh, this is going to hurt."

You don't hit the slab though as you faze through it landing face down on a cement floor. Getting to your hands and knees you look around to see a lot of workout equipment like punching bags and boxing gloves. At the center of the room, you can see a large boxing ring with a figure standing in the middle staring at you.

"It can't be. . . you're the boxing man?" 

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