Untold Story

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You grab your phone and go into your contacts looking for Chris's number which is saved under the fitting title of 'Golden Child'. You hover over the call button before taking a deep breath and hitting it. As it rings you wonder what to say to him knowing that neither of you have talked about that night since it happened. After the fourth ring, he finally answers. . .

"Hello. . . . Y/N are you there?"

"Uhm ye-yeah sorry about this, but Chris I need to speak with you today."

"Uhm okay. . . Can I ask why?"

"I would rather us meet in person. . . It's about. . . that night."

"I would rather not Y/N. . ."

"Chris, you know I would not ask this of you unless I thought it could help us. I promise that I won't attack you or anything, but we need to talk about it finally."

"Look Y/N I have lost not one but two of my closest friends over the past year and the past is something I wish to not think of right now.

"But Chris. . ."

"I understand now that Minho is gone you want to rebuild what we had but I feel like at this point you are to focused on other things to really have the talk we need to."

"No that is not true Chris I know that we will never be like how we are, and I know I caused that. I just need your help please. . . I don't understand what is going on with me. "

"I am not your knight in shining armor anymore since that happened you know that. . . If you really need the help though I will stop by after we finish setting the date for his memorial.

"Thank you, Chris."

"Don't worry about. . . I am not doing this for you, but I am doing it for myself. I need closure Y/N, and this might be how I get it."

After that he hung up the call and you set your phone down, as a wave of emotions hit you. You walk into your living room and look at all the paintings your mother left behind. One catches your eye though. . . It is you, but the background looks oddly familiar. You are falling through a pitch-black void, and you seem like you are reaching out for something. Surprisingly you are wearing the same outfit as you were on your first visit to the gallery. Your figure stands out on the black background, but the look of pain and sadness covers your face. You are reaching out for something and at the very top of the canvas you can see a male's hand reaching out for you like he is trying to save you.

"How have I not seen this yet? . . . There is no way she could have known about those clothes I bought them after I moved back to the house."

You walk up to it and place your hand on the male's hand when suddenly an arm reaches out and grabs your arm pulling you into the painting. You fall into the void once again and see that you are back in that same outfit. You reach out for nothing as you fall faster, but you see him and the double doors you have come to know as the gallery. There in his full figure is Seokjin as he reaches his hand out for you but still too far to grab you. Screaming out for help, his eyes widen like he has never heard your voice before.

"It's you. . . It has always been you. Please help us!" He calls out to you

Before you can reply you land on your back looking up at your living room ceiling. You sit up and look at the painting again only to see the top half of Seokjin's body now almost like he jumped into to the void to help you.

The Gallery (-BTS-)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant