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Dany was under the big red-leafed tree from the Godswood, apparently reading "The history of old Valyria"written by maester John Tarly.The septa is only giving me boring stuff.Gods be good,this is fucking stupid,she thought."What are you reading, lovely princess?"

She raised her head just to see Aemond in front of her.Was he always following her?"The history of old Valyria,by Maester John Tarly.It is quite boring.Septa Lyana told me that I should know this before I learn valyrian.",she spoked softly, careful not to make Aemond mad.

"Oh,yes,history is very important for us,Targaryens.I could help you learn.Teach you something that will help you learn faster.",he got down,besides her."If that pleases you..."he continued.

"Of course.",Dany actually smiled,not ironically this time.She really was happy that someone would help her with her studies.No one ever did that, expect Daemon sometimes."Now read.If you read it loud, it will remain better stuck in your head.",he encouraged her.

"In the times of Old Valyria,they were one thousand dragons alive,and only fifteen were ruled by the Targaryens.As soon as the Valyrian apocalypse camed over,almost every dragon was killed.",she turned the page."Did you learn it so quickly?"Aemond asked,with amusement in his tone."No...It won't remain stuck in my head.",she said, exhausted.

"Read the page again,few times if you need, untill you are sure you know it.Then you'll give me the book and I will ask you questions, alright?"


It took some time untill she was done.All this time,Aemond stared at her beauty,like he didn't notice it before.She looked...majestic,he could say.Dany never took her eyes from the book,an exasperated expression never leaving her face."Done.",she finally said.

"Well done.Still,you are a slow learner.", Aemond smiled at Dany."Yes,septa is always telling me that, unfortunately.Thank you, uncle.It really helped me."

"My pleasure,princess.Do you want to ride Rinax and Vhagar together?",he soflty asked,taking both of her hands in his.He wouldn't hurt me this time, would he?I did everything he said,she thought."Why not? I'm quite wishful for a ride."

They were at the middle of the road,when suddenly Dany touched Aemond on his chest.

"Come on!Try to catch me uncle!I'm faster than you think."she laughed, running away to the dragon pit.

Aemond didn't hesitate and run after her, excitement running through both of their viens.When he got there,Dany was in front of Rinax, begin mesmerized by her dragon's beauty.He approached and hugged her from the back.A surprisingly sweet gesture,that made Dany's cheeks go red."I didn't run in years,I must say.I prefer reading,you know?",he sofly asked,close to her ear.

"Then that means we have the same passions.Although I really like doing exercises with Jace .",she spoked softly."What a interesting match, don't you think?You and I,holding eachother,kissing eachother,loving eachother...I would say we are suitable for one another.",he smell her scent."Loving eachother?I never thought you can love someone..."Dany said, getting a low chuckle from her uncle."Come,we don't have much time untill dinner.",Aemond took her hand, guiding her towards the dragons.

They flew around two hours, chasing one another.They smelled like dragon."This was fun!I wish we can do it again.",she happily affirmed,grabing Aemond's elbow."We will fo it again,most certainly,princess.You were very good today.I'll have a surprise for you,just wait until after dinner."

Daenera went to change as fast as she could.She opted to wear a beautiful red dress without sleeves and long white gloves.Her hair was arranged in a simple but elegant bun.When she arrived in the meal room,she observed she was late."My dear,you camed late."her mother attentioned her,still giving a soft smile."But you look beautiful."

"Come sit",she said.Couple of minutes later,an enormous amount of food appeared on the table,a thing that Dany never understood.Dany turned her head just to see Aemond staring intensely at her with his good eye,an action that make her blush and look down.She didn't know why,but a connection started to build between them.Such a strange feeling,she thought.

She took a goblet and started sipping from the wine.This time,it seemed more bitter than the first one.

As she observed,all the family members were happy, cheerful actually.Including her.At one point,music started to fill the room."Mother,may I dance?"she softly asked,gettin a smile from her mother."Of course, sweet girl."

Dany got up and started spinning around the room,a beautiful smile never leaving her face.Her movements were gracious,for a beginner.Although she did some mistakes,that Aemond apparently seemed to observe.He stood up as well,going towards her."Your dancing skills did improve,but you need more training.I could help you with that."his voice wad almost like a whisper,so that only Dany could hear his words."Take my hand."

And so,they started dancing.They crossed their arms togheter and started spinning,then making soft movements.It felt like a romantic dance,like if they were the only two people in the world.Dany never stopped smiling and Aemond never stopped smirking.

"You want to know something?"Dany asked,her eyes sparkling."Anything you wish",Aemond encouraged her to speak."You are the first man I ever dance with,you know?"she giggled,with butterflies in her stomach and cheeks flushed."I must say I'm pleased to hear that, princess.Am I a good dance partner?"

"More than I could ever wished for,to be honest.But now I'm starving.What about we eat something?,she asked with a warm smile on her face."Sounds like a great idea to me."he took her hand and kissed it."Come."

Dany never realised the effect Aemond had on her.She never felt like this before,with anyone.Her cheeks were red,her heart was pumping faster than she wished.

And,the most important thing,it didn't bother her.

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