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Dany was thinking about all the things that happened to her since she camed from Dragonstone.About Aemond.Why was she thinking about him?Days ago,she hated him,and now....Well,only the gods knew what she felt for him.Aemond is agressive,a bad person.Rhaenyra once told her that she could marry Jace.It would be a suitable match,she considered.Of course,Jace was a fine and honourable man.But Aemond...He was a God.A God from Hell maybe,Dany thought.

She tried to stop thinking about him,but something didn't let her.Dany was pissed of all this things,so she decided to take a bath.A nice and long bath.She called her servants."Please,could you prepare a bath for me?"she soflty asked."Of course,princess."

When the arrangements were done,she gave her night dress down, exposing her soft and delicate skin to the cold air that surrounded her.Dany entered the hot bath,and started massaging her arms.The boiling water was magical.She washed her hair with a lavender scent,making sure she will smell good.Then,she went down, massaging her legs.

Unfortunately,her thoughts flew to the one eyed prince."Fuck.",she said exasperated.The septa said it's wrong to do what she was about to do."Fuck the septa and her stupid rules."She lowered her hand down to her inner folds.She didn't know how to do it.But she tried.

She started massaging her most delicate spot,and at some point she started moaning.Gods be good.

"Fuck you Aemond."she said out loud,as she reached her pleasure.Her first orgasm crashed her to bad,making her shiver.

All this time,she was thinking of Aemond fingers inside her.


Dany was in the library,reading some medicine books she found."I suppose we meet again,sweet Dany.", Aemond approached to her."Uncle.Pleasure to see you.Did you sleep well?"

"Your so kind to ask me that.But,yes, I slept quite well.What about you?Why didn't you come to breakfast?",he sofly asked her."Well, I must say that I didn't feel like eating."

"That's not good,princess.What are you reading?"Aemond curiosity grew up."Some medicine book.It is about dreams now.",she answered."What about you,sweet Dany? What's your dream?"

"I guess flying to Dragonstone with Rinax and live  a happy life with her."Aemond laughed."Such a lonely prospect.Don't you want to marry?",he smiled.

"No.I never wanted to,but...It is my duty to marry a high lord from a noble house...Mother told me that I could marry Jace.What do you think?",she turned her face to him."Jacaerys is not good enough for you.No one is.You are to pure and perfect for anyone.",he said sweetly,making Dany blush.""I'm far away from anything perfect means,but...You flatter me,uncle."

"You are way above perfection.Just as the Gods themselves created you.Listen to me.I will kill anyone who tries to touch you.If anyone ever says something bad about you, I shall remove their tongue.",he warned."W-what?But,I-",Aemond dragged her close to him."Shh,sweet Dany.You will listen to me, won't you?",she remembered of Luke."Y-yes...I will.",Dany cried.This man was the definition of pure madness.

He took her face in his hands."Stop crying, princess.",he wiped her tears."Do you love me?"Dany asked,cheeks red,eyes sparkling from tears."No.I'm obsessed with you.And I won't let anybody else have you, unless that someone it's not me.You are mine,and only mine."


"Fuck it,this won't happen."Dany woked up from her dream,drops of cold sweating appearing on her face, although she was still in the bath.

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