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Daenera was very sad.Since the fight with her father,she didn't want to quit the room.She didn't want to see anyone,not even her mother.

Aemond wasn't happy either.After that incident with Dany's father,he went into his room and smashed everything he could.

Ser Eryk Cargyll was put in front of her door to be sure that Aemond could not enter.

"You should go try to speak with her,my love.",Rhaenyra tried to convince Daemon,who was the most sad, because he thought that Daenera hates him now.

"She hates me, Rhaenyra.But I swear I want the best for her.She doesn't understand that Aemond is not a good man.He will use her and then to who will she come?To me.I will try to speak with her.",and with that,he quit their room and went to Daenera's.

When Daemon got there,Eryk was almost sleeping."Wake up, Cargyll.That one eyed cunt could enter if you are not careful."

When he got into the room,Dany jumped and blocked the entry.

"My dear..I-"

"Get out."

"What?No,please Daenera...",he almost begged his daughter."Get out,now."she tried again."No,please."

He got closer and hugged her."Get away."Daemon did as she said."I'm so sorry,my love.I just want to protect you.That one eyed cunt is not good for you.He is-",but Dany didn't let him finish.

When she saw the door open and nobody there to stop her,she immediately sprinted out of the room."Princess,wait!!"ser Eryk tried to catch her, but it was to late.

She ran as fast as she could,untill she got in Aemond's room.He was shocked to see her."Close the door,love.",he did as she said.

"What?How did you get here? Gods be good,I-"but Aemond got interrupted by Dany and her sweet kiss."I had an advantage.Daemon came into my room,he spoke a few words and then I pushed him ,so-"

"OPEN THE DOOR IN THE NAME OF YOUR PRINCE!",both Dany and Aemond recognised Daemon's voice.Luckily,he didn't know that it was Aemond's room.

They kept silence untill they were sure that they're safe."We must go,my prince.Somewhere far away.I don't know,maybe to Pentos or..."

"We will.But,we can't use dragons.They are loud and big."Aemond said,as he looked into the window.It was a very beautiful sunrise,close to nightfall.

"Horses.Let's go and find Rebecca and Tobias."

And with those words,both Aemond and Daenera put black capes on them to cover their white, long hair.

They got out and went straight to Rebecca's room."Of course they are not sleeping together..."she laughed,as she saw the lady sleeping alone, with Tobias nowhere to be found.

."Hey,Rebecca.Rebecca,wake up.", her friend opened her eyes with laziness."What?What are you doing here?",Rebecca was shocked to see her best friend standing besides her.

"We must go.Come with us.",was the only thing Daenera spoke before giving Rebecca a cape to dress her in
"Like that?I mean,can I get dressed?"

"We don't have time for that,my lady.Let's go find your lover and get away from here.",Aemond said,as he took Dany's hand."...Who?",Rebecca asked.

"Tobias,of course.",Daenera smiled but her friend gave her a annoyed gaze."He is not..."but her words got lost when Daenera started running, dragging Rebecca along with her.

Tobias was in the library,reading as usual.Rebecca was right.She knew they will find him here."Hey,maester!Leave that book and come with us!"Daenera said as she smiled.

Rebecca took Tobias hand hesitantly and they started running again to the stables.They took 4 horses and off they went.But before that,Tobias asked:"So...were are we going?"

"Explore the world.And find someone who will marry these two.",Rebecca pointed at Daenera and Aemond."Do you have a map,Tobias?",Dany asked him,while they were already riding."Always."

But what they didn't know,was that Vhagar and Rinax will follow them...and more interesting adventures.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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