7. There for me

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Song of the chapter
Bittersweet by Wonwoo, Mingyu, LeeHi


~🩵Joshua POV💙

The first thing I noticed when I woke up was the pain in my stomach it was like I threw up all my organs and my stomach was growling like crazy. The second thing was Seokmin he was looking at the window next to my bed like he was traveling in time or something his eyes were puffy and his hand holding mine like I was going to run away in seconds.

"Dokyeom." I said my voice weak. "Dokyeom-ah." Now shaking him slightly.

"Huh? Jisoo?" he said looking at me with glassy eyes.

It's like I was in a time capsule and went back in the past and I think Seokmin just relived that certain day.

"Never do this again you got it!" he said a little angered. "You think I deserve going through the same shit is fun?" he said.

"Kyeom I-" I tried reasoning but got cut off.

"Just, just promise me to never starve yourself again, I don't want to see you pass out or get a call saying you're in the hospital." He said. "You don't know how much it hurts to see you like this." He said looking away. "And also I can't relate to you because you never told me your insecurities, your worries."

"I'm sorry Seok." I said looking away.

Shoot all of this is my fault, what if I never listened to those stupid kids in high school?

"Please look at me, Joshua." He said with a voice so serious it crept into me.

I slowly turned my head and saw how hurt he looked

You only think about yourself Joshua, you never thought if you're gonna hurt the people who care about you.

"Can you tell me why you're doing this to yourself?" He asked his eyes trying to understand.

"I-" I said cutting myself off trying to think where I start.

"It started when my dad left my mom when I was little, from there, I didn't have that cool superhero dad image most of the kids had. My mom worked all day and I would see her rarely. I grew up and my mom thought it would be better to go to Korea until I got to an age that I could take care of myself." I said pausing a bit. "In the last years of elementary school, I got insecure because I ate a lot even though I was never fat. People would call me names and that continued until it stopped in middle school. It's when even though it stopped I was so on to the thing of starving myself that, I didn't how bad I could be for me until that day you found me in the bathroom." I said starting getting teary. "But after you made sure and ate, I started eating normally. But this isn't happening because I'm not eating it's because my body still getting used the all the food. Because after years of starving myself." I said now crying.

I felt strong arms wrap around me, and an unforgettable smell of lavender.

He didn't have to say anything, I know he could feel the emotions too

"Kyeom." I said softly "I'm hungry."

"Yeah?" he asked.

"Yep." I answered.

"I'll go get a nurse then." he said getting up.

I waited for a bit until Seokmin showed up with a food tray. He put the tray in my bed.

"It's soup, they said you can't eat anything solid for now because you might throw it up." Seokmin said sitting down in the chair.

It was chicken soup 🍲

"Is it good?" He asked

"Yeah." I answered, "Do you want some." I asked.

"Sure." He said.

I took a spoonful of the soup, put my hand under the spoon, and Seokmin opened his mouth and took the soup.

"That's good." He said pointing to the soup in my lap.

After I ate, the doctors came in and did a check-up on me, gave me medication, and helped me go to the bathroom and stuff.

Later I had to force Seokmin to go home, he looked so tired, that I was worried he might end up passing out.

For the next two days, the other guys came in, visited me, and even brought me food.

As Mingyu said:

"From now on I'm going to make food for you, so you eat at lunch and home." He said

He's adorable

But Seokmin wouldn't leave my side for a moment, he even brought a bag of clothes so he could stay the night.

Today is my last day here, and I'm glad, it's depressing staying inside hospitals

Right now a nurse was taking out the stuff of my body (the author doesn't know the name of the stuff 😭) and Seokmin was in the lobby checking me out of the hospital and getting my medication prescriptions.

"Your boyfriend is a real gentleman, staying with you all these days, everyone's dream to have a person like that in their life." She said helping me get up.

"Oh he's not my boyfriend, he's just an old friend." I said.

"Oh, sweetie keep telling yourself that." She said sarcastically.

"Hey, you ready Soo?" Seokmin asked opening the door of the room.

"Yeah." I said trying to walk, because I hadn't walked in two days.

"Here let me help you." He said taking my hand.

"Thank you." I said.

We walked down to the lobby got out of the hospital and went to Seokmin's car, he helped me get in and went to the driver's seat.

But while driving I noticed he was a bit tense

"Min, why are you tense relax those shoulders." I said hitting his shoulders.

He laughed

Omg that smile jeez, I can talk about all-day

"Hum...Jisoo Hyung?" He asked.

"Yeah?" I said looking at him

He's scaring me what's going on?

"Would you... would you like to live with me?" He asked.

And I froze


Little short chapter for y'all

We are finally going to get to the happy and good parts of the story so don't worry y'all

The first time I wrote this chapter it sucked but now I hope it's good 😊

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