56. News

711 38 28

Song of the chapter
Love Letter by Seventeen


~💙Seokmin POV🩵

I was setting up the table with clean plates and silverware, while Joshua and Heeseung got ready, I heard both of them come downstairs, a happy Heeseung and a tense Joshua, Heeseung sat on the couch and Mel jumped on his lap while I walked towards my boyfriend

"Relax my love." I said hugging him

He leans to my touches

"I- I think I'm gonna text Rose to see if Jake can come over, Heeseung is a kid he doesn't need to be sitting at a table alone full of adults." He said

"That sounds great baby." I said

"Jake is coming over?!" Heeseung looked over the couch

"Sure Bambi, why don't you go ask if he can come for dinner." Joshua said, Heeseung leaves the house with Mel trailing behind, there was no worry of Heeseung going out alone, it's a closed neighborhood and our houses are right next to each other.

"You don't have to say a word to him, okay?" I said, he nods in understanding, Heeseung comes back with Jake after some minutes

"Hello." Jake said bowing

"Hi Jake." Joshua said putting the pork ribs in the center of the table

My mom texts me saying she on her way, after about some minutes I hear the doorbell, I open the door revealing my mom and dad

"Hi sweetie." My mom said exited entering the house giving me a big hug

"Hi mom." O smile returning the hug

I look at my dad for a second, and look at Heeseung with my mom

"Grandma?" He asked tilting his head

"Yeah." My mom said

"That's so cool! I have two grandmas." Heeseung said exited, we smile

I look at my dad signaling him to follow me, we go upstairs into my office

"Okay, dad I know I'm your son I have to respect you, but I'm your son and you have to respect me." I said "Your in my house, the house I raise my family so, your are going to respect my boyfriend and my son, and it's not an option." I said, my dad nods and waits for me to get out first

While getting down stairs I hear my sisters loud voice

"Auntie Woo." Heeseung jumps on top of her

"Hey Hee." Siwoo my sister said kneeling down to match Heeseung's height "Whos your friend?" Siwoo asked referring to Jake

"This is Jake my neighbor from Australia." Heeseung said

"Hi." Jake said with a small smile

"Let's eat everyone." I said

We all sit down I sit in the front while Joshua next to me, Heeseung next to Joshua and Jake next Heeseung, my mom sited next to my other side my dad next to her, my sister next to my dad and her husband next to her

The kids are chatting and eating, while us the adults talking about random stuff

"Joshua you made this?!" Siwoo said amazed by the barbecue pork ribs

"Hum yes, my mom's recipe." He said

"I could eat ten portions of these." She said

Wait a damn minute my sister never liked pork

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